Its been an interesting year with my TD4, with one thing after another. As soon as I get something fixed another problem rears its ugly head.

A month or so ago I had a new clutch fitted and whilst under the car my mechanic tells me I should probably replace the control arms/wishbones. This I did myself without issue. However since then I have had a really annoying vibration and wobbling that sometimes feels like the front end is going to fall apart or that the wheels are going to fall off.
I expected the tracking/wheel alignment to be a bit out after messing with the control arms and so it is but by very very little. I have driven vehicles with the tracking way way worse than this without the kind of vibration and wobbling that I'm getting. The steering wheel is now out by about five degrees if that.
  1. Pulling away and going through the gears is problem free
  2. Generally speaking the vibration starts at around just under 2000 rpm and fourth gear
  3. It generally start somewhere around 35 mph. Speeding up or slowing down can make it better or worse.
  4. When it gets going the whole front end is shaking and the gear stick is going bat **** crazy
I recall driving a vehicle once that behaved similarly because of uneven tire wear and so I took a look at that. My fronts were a little worn and the rears were in great condition so I swapped back to front but with no improvement. While swapping I gave a good tug on the wheels to see if maybe the wheel bearings were bad but it doesn't seem so.
Since this started I have been under the car multiple times to look at the control arms and can find nothing out of place there. All is as it should be. I've also taken a look and everything connected to steering and suspension and can find nothing broken or out of place.
I haven't taken it yet to get the tracking looked at because I'm having a hard time believing that this is the problem though I'm open to being told otherwise.

All and any thoughts and suggestions on this will be very gratefully received.
Have you damaged a driveshaft when you did the wishbones?
Never touched it or went near it.
However, the long list of issues I've had over the past year began with me needing to change a shaft U joint and the two hanging bearings but there has been none of this vibrating until recently (almost a year later). I'm assuming that the mechanic may have uncoupled the shaft from the transmission when he changed the clutch, but I just took a peek at that connection and can see nothing out of place.

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