
New Member
While investigating slight hesitation in my '06 TD4, I removed the air filter cover to have a look at the MAF.

To my surprise, just next to the MAF, there is a small (7mm-ish) metal pipe that is shaped like an upside-down letter J that is not connected to anything. It is just open to the air and pointing down. That seems strange to me.

Then I found another rubber tube held by a clip to a metal pipe that ends is some sort of filter. There is a short length of rubber tube on the filter, which is also open to the air. Also strange.

I wonder if these two should be connected together. The little rubber tube on the filter would not make a very effective or secure union with the metal pipe, but then again, maybe that is why they are separated...

I would like to find an answer to this puzzle before making any further investigations, so any ideas would be appreciated.

The metal pipe is the ird breather and the other is the turbo vent filter, both are vented to air so as they should be
Several peeps I know have tried to connect those 2 together.

Do NOT do that!

booboodag & Vissie are 100% correct.

If the little filter is not changed then the turbo will not behave correctly.

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