
I though I had sorted all my (rain) leaks out on my Landy recently but the other day was quite surprised to find a small pool of water (1/4 of a cup of tea size) in the passengers footwell, earlier I had fitted new wipers and when checking the rear washer nothing came out, I assumed it had blocked as the reservoir was full, could it be related, does the pipework run that way?

PS its rained LOADS since and seems dry as a bone inside again (touch wood)

The rear washer pipe runs inside the car up the a pillar on the passenger side along the roof level and exits just behind the washer jet itself. Noticed yesterday myself when I was putting my dashboard back in. I disconnected mine when welding up the holes. Silly me welded up were it comes through to - bugger.

Passenger footwell can also have water ingress from rust holes from where the water at the base of the windscreen exits to the inner wing and drains out. Mine rusted away quite a bit there.

Also check the removable panel where the wiring connectors are mounted in the engine bay on the passenger side. May leak here too.

Hope this helps
cheers buddy, its quite a mystery to me at the mo as I thought I had sealed the windscreen, Ive had the wing off and sealed any holes there and also where you mentioned on the inner wing, carpets up and plastic side trim off to seal any holes I might find, havent checked the removable panel in the engine bay yet, will give that a look when I get the chance. It does look like it may of came from the direction of the A pillar, if its not washer fluid coming from there what could be the other causes? Sunroof?
front door seal is usual suspect. speshully if the rains blowing in a gale..
Sunroof quite possibly. I don't have one asa I specifically sourced my vehicle and spec to get rid of all the hassle I had with the other three previous ones.

Example, it's been peeing it down relentlessly for about 5 hours here and the inside of mine is still ally dry. I'm a happy bunny. Hours and hours of welding and then descent seam sealer is the key...
yeah, ive just spent ages getting all the welding sorted on mine (alpine windows, sills, inner wings, inner rear arches, outer rear arches, battery tray headlamp box and a few small holes in the bulkhead and floor which is why im baffled :confused:
Easy one, give it a squirt again and see if the puddle tastes of screenwash, then you know what leak you're chasing :)

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