
Well-Known Member
This might be one for the local South Wales Glass rep.
I'm not into green-laning really, but I noticed on the OSSJAY blog that there's been some disputes going on on the route across the Eglwysilan hillside from Pontypridd to Nelson.
I used to travel this route almost weekly, sometimes even daily up to the radio site at the top of the mountain, to maintain certain government radio equipment.
I was just wondering which side of the junction in the track up to the masts at NGR: ST 0989 9148 the blockage mentioned on the OSSJAY blog was, the Ponty side or the Nelson side.
If I should find myself taking a trip up to the radio masts, just for old time's sake and find the track blocked again, who should be informed?
I'd email the Glass rep (I think it'll be Ian Hulme, Cardiff rep, with your post, to get a complete answer. It might be quicker and easier if you also contact OSSJAY directly for coordinates of the blockage.

I'd assume, from checking the map and reading the blog, that it's the first byway heading North, coming up the Penyrheol Ely Road from Pontypridd branching off where it joins the Eglwysilan road ... I could be wrong .. ;)

I would suggest if you find it blocked again, inform the local council, Glass rep and maybe OSSJAY. ;)

Hope that helps ...
Thanks Paul. As I said in my post, I used to visit the wireless site sometimes on a daily basis. South Wales radio sites were great for gaining green-lane experience.
The normal access to the sites was up the Penyrheol Ely Road and the turning left up the track. I was just wondering exactly where it was. Maybe I'll take a trip up there sometime soon and take a peek.

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