
New Member
:mad: can anyone tell me if they have had problems with there p38 electriacl systems working by themselves, my rangey was stood for one week and all of the lights,horn windows,door lock ect work on there own.

please help.
have you done a search on here?

coz if so - yu might have found a gazillion posts on the subject.:rolleyes:

i bought a 2.5 dt 3 months ago with electrical faults which got worse over the following 7 days. The lights stayed on even though they were switched off, the suspension dropped to the stops, the wipers wouldn't park and the central locking didn't work. I changed the fuse box in the engine compartment for around 115 pounds and it solved many of the problems instantly. There was a strong burning smell from the fuse box before changing and on stripping it there was signs of shorting out across the soldered joints.


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