
Hi there folks

Only just registered on here so please be kind to me :)

I have just bought my first Land Rover and it is an R reg Defender 90 300tdi. I had never driven one before and bought it off autotrader. On the whole I am really pleased with it, however when driving it around town, the handling feels all... 'wibbly wobbly'... :eek: and sometimes a bit all over the place.

Having never driven one previously, I am not sure if landys were just like this or that there could be something wrong with the steering/suspension etc..

Any advice would be very welcome, and I look forward to many discussions in the future.

Thx in advance
Alright mate. Same story as me! Bought my first landy off autotrader about 2 months ago. An R reg 300tdi 90! Always wanted one, and now ive got one :D With quite a few probs though...:( and rolling it down a ditch the other day didnt help either :(
Anyway, as to feeling a bit wobbley. When you first drive a landy it takes a bit of getting used to. But to be honest you soon get used to it. Mine did feel a bit strange at first but its actually pretty tight and the steering is really direct.
If yours is quite bad then maybe you need to tighten the steering box up, or something is out of line with the steering. Maybe a worn joint?
Pretty new to all this so can't give you much tech advice but there are loads of guys on here that know their stuff and im sure will be able to help you.
Enjoy your landy!
But if its wandering all over the road in a straight line then youve got a prob somewhere ..... if you mean body roll than thats normal
Mine did feel a bit strange at first but its actually pretty tight and the steering is really direct.
If yours is quite bad then maybe you need to tighten the steering box up, or something is out of line with the steering.

Cheers Chris for this. Thinking about it you're right, the steering is quite responsive and direct. So... the wobbles are something to get used to?? It doesn't drive in a different direction to what I am pointing at so thats cool.

Pleased to hear it's just normal so thx all for that...
Your drop arm ball joint is worn. It costs 6 quid to change and about an hours work. You may have a problem getting the arm off if you need to though. You will need a ball joint splitter.
Has it had a suspenision lift done before you bought it? I test drove one that had before I bought my own and it was a pig to drive on the road.
Went to the garage and checked tyre pressure COnsidering the tyres should have all been 65 psi they were between 19 and 22 :eek: .

Was considering a smaller steering wheel as well

Thx again to all...
went to the garage and checked tyre pressure considering the tyres should have all been 65 psi they were between 19 and 22 :eek: .

Was considering a smaller steering wheel as well

thx again to all...

ffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where did you get 65 psi from ?
Went to the garage and checked tyre pressure COnsidering the tyres should have all been 65 psi they were between 19 and 22 :eek: .

Was considering a smaller steering wheel as well

Thx again to all...

dont know where ya got 65 psi from mate but thats way too much would say 35 psi max
:) HI folks

Dont worry I did not put 65psi in. I know that is the MAX. Just mentioned that, but they were all very low... I topped them up to just under 40.

But thnx for the concern

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