
New Member
Hey LandyZone..

I'm on the hunt for some advice about buying a freelander. It'll be my first 4x4 so be too harsh on my beginers experience! Due to my age, I'm starting basic! I've been looking around for a Freelander on eBay / auto trader and there seems to be a lot around for about £2k (this is kinda my limit too).

as far as usage goes, it's not far to work so mileage will be low. I would like to take it off road but it wouldn't be anything demanding!

I've been looking at a Freelander 2.0 XEDI at a garage not too far away and it seems pretty decent.

Does anyone have any advice on what to look out for/avoid or even if a Freelander around 8-9 year old is worth touching.

Thanks in advance.
Dont touch a petrol - pleeeeeez.
check out the faults poll at the top of this section.
check the VCU
rear diff mounts
rear subframe attachment
turbo hoses

Hope yu got a thick skin and a thicker wallet.
then go buy a Disco ;)
You should be picking up a 2 litre L-series diesel for less £1200 these days. Thats for a good one, but don't expect trouble free motoring from a 9yr old motor.

Stay away from ebay and the Discos are just as troublesome
Dont touch a petrol - pleeeeeez.
check out the faults poll at the top of this section.
check the VCU
rear diff mounts
rear subframe attachment
turbo hoses

Hope yu got a thick skin and a thicker wallet.
then go buy a Disco ;)

Do all of these, cept buy a Depender. :D

Evening Daft
I would ask yourself - can I afford to maintain a 10 year old 4x4 bcos it is going to go wrong, just like any other old car but more expensive. If you are at max spend to buy it (and your not a mechanic) maybe think again!
I go with DD3 on this one. If you are thinking Landrover, and I deliberately state Landrover, not Freelander, then you've got to know your way round your toolbox. They all need looking after, and to use a garage is going to cost you big time.

If you don't know your toolbox then the following statement probably applies:

"If you can't afford to buy a brand new Landrover, you can't afford to buy a second hand one"
"If you can't afford to buy a brand new Landrover, you can't afford to buy a second hand one"

EH?????????????????????????????????????? I swear this place gets worse every time I log on.
I couldn't afford to buy new. I bought secondhand. One year later car flies through MOT no problems. Been my most reliable car to date.

buy a Td4 or earlier L-series diesel & check it out thoroughly, like you would any other secondhand car. Good Luck.
I'm not trying to put anybody off. I'm a fan but I think we owners owe it to those considering buying to manage expectations. I get fed up with reading "paid £1000 for old FL and its gone wrong again - why did i buy it? all LR's are crap!!!". What the hell did they expect - a new one is £26k.

I would'nt swop my FL, well i would if i had a spare £26k. I've almost spent my budget again getting it up to scratch (i'm fussy) and i'm OK with this. When I buy a car for £2400 (any car) i expect to pay out.

Anyhow yours is a good story and good luck to you but not typical -would you agree?
Don't get me wrong, I love my Freelander and I look after it to the best of my ability. I do most things that need doing and, so far, on one occation I needed to use the garage. My point was that if every niggle means a visit to the garage because I was not the type of person who is handy with tools then I would have got rid of it by now. It would have cost a fortune.
Not knowing your way around a tool box is no excuse for not buying a second hand landrover, you've got to learn somehow. Buy one and learn how to fix it. I got an 8 year old freelander with 120,000 on the clock and i do 80 miles a day in it. I've only had to change the coolant manifold.
Freelanders have a bad reputation because they were sold to people who wouldn't normally have bought a 4wd car, and therefore didn't maintain them properly after the warranty ran out. Freelanders don't rot like other landys and they are far more economical. Definately buy one, but make sure it is a diesel with a service history.
Freelanders have a bad reputation because they were sold to people who wouldn't normally have bought a 4wd car, and therefore didn't maintain them properly after the warranty ran out. Freelanders don't rot like other landys and they are far more economical. Definately buy one, but make sure it is a diesel with a service history.

Wot a load of Tosh. You wouldnt describe Trewy, Widget or others as as not capable of looking after 4wd vehicles! There are lots of peeps who are as, if not more, competent on here, that have had Hippoos, with and without FSH. We have all had Gaylanders and given up in discust with poorly designed, poorly built and VERY expensive to fix vehicles.
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Not knowing your way around a tool box is no excuse for not buying a second hand landrover, you've got to learn somehow. Buy one and learn how to fix it. I got an 8 year old freelander with 120,000 on the clock and i do 80 miles a day in it. I've only had to change the coolant manifold.
Freelanders have a bad reputation because they were sold to people who wouldn't normally have bought a 4wd car, and therefore didn't maintain them properly after the warranty ran out. Freelanders don't rot like other landys and they are far more economical. Definately buy one, but make sure it is a diesel with a service history.

When visualising the size of the toolbox required for a KV6 engine the word 'infinite' comes to mind.
Not knowing your way around a tool box is no excuse for not buying a second hand landrover, you've got to learn somehow. Buy one and learn how to fix it. I got an 8 year old freelander with 120,000 on the clock and i do 80 miles a day in it. I've only had to change the coolant manifold.
Freelanders have a bad reputation because they were sold to people who wouldn't normally have bought a 4wd car, and therefore didn't maintain them properly after the warranty ran out. Freelanders don't rot like other landys and they are far more economical. Definately buy one, but make sure it is a diesel with a service history.
Good point about post warranty maintainance or lack of. Mine is a 2001 and not a spot of rust. My final point to would be buyers is that generally in this world you buy cheap - you buy twice. You need to be really careful when buying 10 yr old cars and budget for some problems.
I have been really lucky paid 850 for r plate xedi, turbo went following day, tracking was way off after a short trip to london and back to plymouth needed two new tyres, mot failed on excessively corroded brake pipes, so all replace front to back. new discs, pads and drums etc. rear diff made lots of nasty noises replaced diff seals and 3 mounts, the drivers windo regulator now playing up and passenger one starting to squeak as though it is going. But its bloody brilliant fun, all weather tyres now really grip well, going to get a 2 " lift kit and spacer and have a go a mud plugging!!!!!!
After buying a freelander as a first car at 19 myself, i have been very happy with it. i use it for comuting and abit of towing and some light off roading. Things i would consider before buying are,
The cost of insurance as they are mainly group 10 so quite high.
How much off roading you will do as the low ground clearance can be a problem.
Fuel economy is around 37mpg.
Id also look at defenders as lower insurance group typicaly 7, better ground clearance, but lower mpg of around mid twenties.
Hope this helps abit.

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