Dave Decadent

New Member
Sorry I ain't ever introduced myself but am one who just enjoys reading and learning from the experts on here. Sadly I woke up this morning to find an empty space where my 90 should be in Stirchley, Birmingham. It was secured by a bright yellow bar passed through the steering wheel and shackled to the clutch pedal. Reg V201GNE, it had van type body but with additional windows. Acme Sewage Co written on the sides in silver so pretty easy to spot. I presume they towed it as I heard nothing in the night. Probably already dissmantled by now. Only had it just over a year so i'm well upset.
The insurers Red Star say they will only pay me market value and so I should find evidence of the value of similar vehicles!! What tossers!
Anyway, thought I should share this all too common occurence.
Just add insult to injury. Had it serviced and MOT'd 2 weeks ago at local garage. They ripped me off for £1800 inc front brake callipers and indicator stalk. Fuel filter looks like an old part too. Was thinking of going to Trading Standards about it.
Be worth keeping a look out on ebay and the like for a seller selling lots of Land Rover parts? Especially if you spot something very unique to your vehicle?
Just add insult to injury. Had it serviced and MOT'd 2 weeks ago at local garage. They ripped me off for £1800 inc front brake callipers and indicator stalk. Fuel filter looks like an old part too. Was thinking of going to Trading Standards about it.

These guys would be my first suspect!
Sorry to here that fella. Mine got took about 6 weeks ago, but was recovered 36 hours later. Hoping to get it back from the repair shop next week. So don't give up. If it doesn't get found you don't have to let the insurance company walk all over you. I ended up with more bad feeling towards my insurance company than to the scum that took it.

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