
Well-Known Member
Engine is pouring out white smoke, probaly water or unburnt fuel and its ideling fine but soon as i touch the throttle the engine goes full RPM and stays there! :(

Ive already had the turbo reconditioned, fitted it and no change (cept less blue smoke), which wasnt cheap and dident fix it. I suspected a head gasket or excess fuel from the injectors causing the smoke, but the RPM??? Thus i hav conclued that it is infact possessed. Does anyone have any idea of the real reasons for this? Its incredibly frustrating. :mad:

Thanks again, Richard.
Would you like me to perform an exorcism? I am qualified. Seriously, I aint no mechanic but I know if you have a leak on the inlet manifold then air can be sucked in and the revs will go up. Others may know more. White smoke normally means water in the combustion chamber so head gaskets a possibility.
Hmm....thanks for the offer, but the RPM hits the roof and stays there with only a touch on the throttle. I dont think a leak in the inlet would cause that?!? The things been sittin on my drive way taxed and insured for over a month now and i cant drive the thing despite countless efforts to fix it. Its driving me insane...:mad:

Whats going on :confused:

if yu changed ya cp to give us an idea where yu lived - yu mite get an iffer of help.

worth a try?
first port of call i think would be checking the throttle linkage and check that it isnt that thats sticking and causing the RPM
Thanks for the replys but i dont think thats it, the pedal returns as normal and were talking a 1/4 inch touch on the throttle sends it sky high and when u take ur foot off (instantly due to the engines sudden disobidience) it stays there.

What about the fuel pump can that cause upsets like this?

Cheers, Rich
The metering valve is sticking in the full fuel position,probably as a result of water in the fuel causing corrosion in the injector pump.Have the pump off and get it tested.(take yer plastic.):eek:
Dont think i havent thought about it. Im still at school btw so its hard for me to find 30K. What i need to do is get this engine working so its worth somthing.

The shassy, steering, brakes, gear box, transmiton and clutch are all floorless btw if anyone wants a Landy to drop a 200tdi in, i cant afford to do that eather...:(

Somone save me befor i decide to buy a Jeep!!!

Ok someone back me up here I think I'm right in saying that the speed of the engine is governed (partly at least) by throttle opening (ie the butterfly valve that opens allowing more air in) If the engine is able to suck in more air through a leak in the inlet then the revs will increase.

Thats the way I understand it?
Yes, but its turbo charged, the inlet is presurised, so if anything, air is surly gona escape not be sucked in?

Ok someone back me up here I think I'm right in saying that the speed of the engine is governed (partly at least) by throttle opening (ie the butterfly valve that opens allowing more air in) If the engine is able to suck in more air through a leak in the inlet then the revs will increase.

Thats the way I understand it?
No,there is no butterfly - engine speed is controlled just by the quantity of fuel injected.
Ok - perhaps it's picking up oil and crank case fumes which would cause it to rev uncontrolably (scary situation). This would happen if your cylinders / rings are worn. The easy way to check this is to remove your oil filler cap while it's ideling and feel if it's blowing - this would indicate excessive crank case pressure. Only way to remedy this would be to rebuild - been there done that, got the Tshirt...
Ok someone back me up here I think I'm right in saying that the speed of the engine is governed (partly at least) by throttle opening (ie the butterfly valve that opens allowing more air in) If the engine is able to suck in more air through a leak in the inlet then the revs will increase.

Thats the way I understand it?

In a diesel the manifold connects to a pipe with a turbo in the middle somewhere that connects to a filter, thats it, take the filter off the engine still works, diesels just have ducting basicly from the filter, the valves open air gets sucked in or in the turbos case blown when the turbo is blowing. You thinking of a petrol.

I would turn the engine on, and use the idle speed governer (it sits with is adjusted up against the fuel input on the IP) and use that to increase engine revs, see what happens, if it reve accordingly without continuing then its something to do with the metering valve as 8-IN-A-V said.

Get someone to rev the engine for you and smell the white smoke (not too much though if its diesel its not great for you) you will know if its vaporised diesel or water!

Is the diesel in the tank been sitting there for a while?
It has been sitting there a while now but it was doing this befor it was sitting around, thats why it is now sitting around.

Ok - perhaps it's picking up oil and crank case fumes which would cause it to rev uncontrolably (scary situation). This would happen if your cylinders / rings are worn. The easy way to check this is to remove your oil filler cap while it's ideling and feel if it's blowing - this would indicate excessive crank case pressure. Only way to remedy this would be to rebuild - been there done that, got the Tshirt...

This sounds likedly :( What causes it to over rev in this situation? I dont think its runnin on crank case oil as there is no blue smoke.

The engine has a leekey injector too. Could this have somthing to do with anything? It hisses everytime the engine is turned over and makes a ticking noise as the engine idels.

Im not gona run any tests on the engine for fear that it will blow itself to bits, im not kidding, its got a mind of its own and sends its own RPM up.

Discomania; Overfueling to a cylinder due to the injector pump? Or somthing to do with wasted rings?

Thanks, Rich
Haven't got time to read all the posts but has any one suggested the oil filler breather pipe? Is yours still connected to the air intake? If so the engine could be running on oil mist, try disconnecting the hose and routing it down towards the chassis.

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