
Now.. i didn't have my D2 for very long and was always a bit slow on LPG.. while on petrol considering the D2 weighs about the same as the moon... its lively and above 3000, 3500 rpm it scares me as it takes off like a rocket!
Now a few day ago when it was really hot.. driving along on my way home from work.. tried to pull away from cross road and it was like a turd going uphill.. no go and sounding like the diffs and gearbox where about to drop off :(
switched to petrol....5 to 10 seconds later all quiet, smooth loads of power happy engine..
Now i had a few loose vacuum connections as in loose fit. fixed that..same problem on LPG.
Took the plugs out.. nice coffee brown apart from one black spot on most of them?
Idles fine on LPG but trying to drive away is ...BAD!

something gone awry with the LPG/air misture and its prob backfiring and all sorts?

I'm lost as i have no clue about LPG systems.
its a multipoint injection also on LPG.. any suggestions?...4L V8 btw.
Cheers in advance.
Take it to an LPG specialist and get the thing looked at. Sounds like it has lost its config on LPG ECU.
I bought the S/W for mine and did it myself. Easy to see what was wrong and what to do. If its a decent LPG system there will be a bloke what can fix it for you.

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