
I have done lots of searching (please don't tell me off) and I can't find a topic exactly like this one.

Exhibit A:

If I've sussed how to use images you can hopefully see my downpipe connecting to the side of the turbo on my 200tdi (discovery version) that's on my 1987 90 (formerly turbo diesel).

At the point where it connects to the mid section it has cracked and needs replacing. However the local garage haven't got a clue and neither have I.

It has the triangular gasket at both ends although as you can see on the photo only the top most bolt is actually used on the connection to the turbo. The rest of the pipe is like an "S" shape sort of.

It looks nowt like any of the conversion kits I can find nor bits available from scrappers. The big difference being the gasket at the turbo end.

So my question is - has anyone seen one like this before? Is it a total bodge? And will I ever manage to get it fixed so that I can drive it without dying of gas poisoning?

Balls - no photo. If anyone can work it out feel free to add one from my gallery. That's the one I mean!
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Thats a home made jobby, as std the disco and defender both have cast bits coming of the turbo then to the downpipe.
I would say that looks pretty restrictive, maybe get one of the ready made ones that are available?
Defender one tucks the downpipe down and forwards, the disco one puts it down towards the rear and slightly to the passenger side
I Have the same issue mate
Although mine has been bodged badly
You get get a pipe from ebay that will do the job or ask someone to make one for you
here is mine its shocking


  • IMAG0044.jpg
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  • IMAG0050.jpg
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Ebay 3 bolt exhaust flanges and tight 90 degree 2- 2/14 inch pipe, its not hard just fiddly

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