
New Member
Ive been looking for something small and cheap to run just for the short trips to work and back and general pottering around bearing in mind it has to have at least 5 seats for the kids. heres what ive found out from reading on various forums etc. all based on 'around town' driving, wont be doing motorways often if at all, and all based around 1k and needs to be something i can work on cheap if needed rather than stupid electronicy ****e.

from the smallest car being a 700cc aircooled fiat 126 - 30mpg
and to what seems to be the biggest car - 110 - 30 mpg :eek:

so unless a disco might squeeze out a couple extra, it seems like unless you have more than 5k to spend it looks like your never gonna hit more than 35mpg!
from the smallest car being a 700cc aircooled fiat 126 - 30mpg
and to what seems to be the biggest car - 110 - 30 mpg :eek:

Probably 'cos the Fiat's underpowered and working the engines bollocks off. The wifes Micra (995cc I think) does around 55-60mpg and she only uses it for an eight mile round trip to work and back. This rises to about 60-65 mpg when we go to the outlaws on the motorway but stays around 55-60 any other times, no matter how many people are in it.
I used to get 50-60mpg in my citroen c3 1.4 diesel. twas quite nippy too.

You should be able to get one of those for under £5k.

Cheap tax too.

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