
New Member
Hello dear members of the forum! I have recently moved from Kyiv to London and considering to purchase my first LR. Happy to join the community
From Warzone to Landyzone! big welcome, what landy are you looking for.
:D Kyiv is more or less calm right now so wouldn't call it a warzone :D but yeah, still happy to re-locate and join the community. Me and my husband are looking for Discovery but we haven't yet set a budget threshold .So I will keep reading and going through the forum
There is the London ULEZ to consider if you live in that area, I think some discoveries are easier to work on than others and some have their own particular problems, no doubt you have seen the discovery section of the forum where clever peeps will be able to answer your questions , my series is almost tax exempt and I believe exempt from the ULEZ charges :D, although can’t see me driving that far in it
There is the London ULEZ to consider if you live in that area, I think some discoveries are easier to work on than others and some have their own particular problems, no doubt you have seen the discovery section of the forum where clever peeps will be able to answer your questions , my series is almost tax exempt and I believe exempt from the ULEZ charges :D, although can’t see me driving that far in it
Thanks for that, I will check it of course. I also noticed there is something called MOT check. Is it obligatory for everyone, even foreigners? And how can I check my mot? Also, as far as I understand valid MOT certificate doesn't guarantee that your car is roadworthy, so you should still perform regular maintenance checks to ensure your car is safe to drive. Am I right? Sorry for silly questions :D
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Not silly
Yes a MOT test every year for cars over 3 years old and under 40 years old :Dfor English cars , I’m not sure if you have a foreign car in uk if rules are different someone else will be able to help on that hopefully
Tests cost about £40 and if it fails you cannot legallly drive it and need to fix the bits it failed on
Hello dear members of the forum! I have recently moved from Kyiv to London and considering to purchase my first LR. Happy to join the community

hi and welcome to the community , heartbreaking to hear that you’ve both been torn away from ur country

here’s a link to the discovery section, plus will save a fortune if your able to do a lot of the work yourselves otherwise can become moneypits if reliant on garages

plus another link which hopefully is useful to u

ps, hope u don’t mind me adding I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve both been through , hope if u still have any family in Ukraine that there safe and sound , ur find this forum full of extremely kind and knowledgeable people so plse feel free to ask if u get stuck on anything
Welcome to landyzone, a forum for experts and the hard of thinking alike. Keep clear of the 'anything goes section' until you develop a British sense of humour and a thick skin. Commiserations on ending up in London.


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