
My Mountaineer started to kick and buck like a mule and when I had it
checked out the tranny and the computer brain are working fine.
There are no issues coming up with the solenoids or any codes or check
engine lights.
When hooked up to Ford dealer computer analysis machines they come back
with NO problems.
2 other mechanics specializing in transmissions told me the same.
They all differ in their opinion as to why it shifts up and down and bucks
and shifts though.
1 threw his hands up and gave up, the other is completely baffled, and the
Ford dealer service Tech swears it's the transfer case gone bad.
When I told the other Techs what the dealer's Tech said they told me that
does not sound correct.
Has anyone had this problem?
Was it corrected and how was it corrected?
I am pulling out my hair with this issue I love to drive this
Any helpful advice is very welcome and appreciated.
Thanks - EG


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