
New Member
G'day folks

Need to pick the brains of the experts.

I've always wanted a RR & am now thinking of getting my first one. Probably an 89-94 age.

BUT!!!! Got behind the wheel of a Vogue SE (with sunroof) the other day & the leg & head room was waaaaaaaaaay too tight. So I stood there staring in & couldn't help but think that if that huge motor unit that seems to sit between the motorised seat & the floor wasn't there.............. ;)

Anyone ever done this mod? Any other suggestions? Any other 6'8" people got one?

OK, has anyone ever removed the seat & motor? If so, is the floor still solid enough for the seat struts to bolt on? Or can anyone tell me the height difference between a RR with electric seats & one without?
No advice I am afraid, just to say that I have the same problem with my 1991 Vogue Se and would appreciate the same help that has been asked for here; c'mon, someone must know the answer??!!
I would say that fitting a non motorised seat shouldn't be a problem as the basic shell and chassis of a bog standard one and a top of the range should be the same other parts like the motor are just ad ons to it
i haven't got a clue, its your own fault for being so big!!! ha ha only joking, i have a defender loads of head room but no leg room me being 6ft and all
Thanks Graham, will try to be a little shorter in future ;)

Tried a non-sunroofed RR yesterday (1995 SE) & just managed to fit in! Sat in there grinning like an ee-jut.

I think that the decisive factors were non-motorised seat & lack of sunroof, so now the search begins in earnest.

Reckon I should look for an LPG converted SE or maybe a DSE? How do they fair?

Seems that DSE's sell for a lot more than SE's. Are they more cost effective? What's the 2.5 diesel economy like compared to 3.8 LPG?

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