
New Member
i managed to get a small amount but have run out again!,can't remember where i got the last lot,if i don't get some soon my 109 is going on ebay!
what i've found to keep projects rollin is when i'm starting a big job i'll also plan another small and easily completable job as well so when i get stuck/bored on the big job i can still do somethin on the thing but its **** easy an im usually chuffed to fook when its done, so i get back on with the main jobbie.....

usually end up doin mad stuff like i'm currently installin a ceedee multi change in a mondeo that still has no front wheels or brakes :D
made an hexsutive desision just yesterday to sell me second mondeo project for spares/scrap as its never goin to get sorted!!
I found a bit of motification today, was due to be in hospital first thing tomorrow to have a disc out my spine thats had me in agony for over a year now. Only they rang me up today to say that all the theater lights in the surgary ward had all blown up or some bollix and that the opp has been cancelled for at least 3 more weeks. My offer of bringing my own inspection lamp was met by "well if you fancy being operated on under that light..."

Anyways, rather than fly off the handle and moan like fook about the pain and that how was the farm going to cope without me for harvest and exactly who and what my taxes were being spent on (not lightbulbs obviously), I though "Great, another three weeks to get Project Series 2A going again!"
All me new gearbox parts turned up the otherday so hopefully should get that put back together soon and posted on here somewhere.

Now get back to the 109 or someone will have it for scrap for a tenner of ebay and you'll live a life of regreat.;
I found a bit of motification today, was due to be in hospital first thing tomorrow to have a disc out my spine thats had me in agony for over a year now. Only they rang me up today to say that all the theater lights in the surgary ward had all blown up or some bollix and that the opp has been cancelled for at least 3 more weeks. My offer of bringing my own inspection lamp was met by "well if you fancy being operated on under that light..."

Anyways, rather than fly off the handle and moan like fook about the pain and that how was the farm going to cope without me for harvest and exactly who and what my taxes were being spent on (not lightbulbs obviously), I though "Great, another three weeks to get Project Series 2A going again!"
All me new gearbox parts turned up the otherday so hopefully should get that put back together soon and posted on here somewhere.

Now get back to the 109 or someone will have it for scrap for a tenner of ebay and you'll live a life of regreat.;

I have a fooked back as well, been in front of more specialists than I've had hot dinners, and two MRI's because of litigation. "done at work".

Be certain that this is the option for you, do your research and cover every posibility, including the fact that the pain might come back. It's your back not theirs

Sorry to be so negative, but tell them you will sue them if it doesnt work or if they harm you and bet they run a mile.
When I'm out of motivation.. I just sit in the car and make vroom vroom sounds..
Eventually I remember why I started tearing it down to begin with. But.. when all said and done.. If you don't want to do it.. its not much of a hobby is it?
same here , i bin tryin to do a bit on mine fer the last few weekends and sure as eggs is eggs it rains , every weekend ...... dam it ..
same here , i bin tryin to do a bit on mine fer the last few weekends and sure as eggs is eggs it rains , every weekend ...... dam it ..

I started to paint my landie wif the green military stuff, cant get the fookir in my garage so I did it outside. It came on rain after the 4th coat with a roller, nice gentle light coats to get it even, and guess what the fookers water based and it totally fooked it.

Guess what my motivation is like now.
ooops , thats not good is it ..... still ya can try agin if it dont rain ..... i dont think i'v bin dry proper all week , it seams like everytime i get ooot me wagon it rains .....
looks like there is a few of us on here with fooked backs then ....

I had to retire because of mine, aint lettin the fookers near mine, rest up on the bad days and make the most of it on the better days, coz there aint any good days.
is it that bad , yer back i mean .... i have trouble sometimes but its holdin up fer now ...
is it that bad , yer back i mean .... i have trouble sometimes but its holdin up fer now ...

Saw another doc during the week and he said my back is fooked, and even if I go on a fishing trip to find somebody who can fix it, I won't find one. That makes 5 orthopaedic surgeons, and a neurosurgeon

Been to a specialist clinic where 90% of the clients have back problems and seen the different procedures, bonding discs, removal, injections and so on and all of the guys said if they had a second chance they would have left well alone.

Even my solicitor who had a disc out a few years ago because he said he never had a life, is fooked again.
ooops , thats not good is it ..... still ya can try agin if it dont rain ..... i dont think i'v bin dry proper all week , it seams like everytime i get ooot me wagon it rains .....

Out today off road, rained all day. I got myself stuck on a tree stump fookin bastid wudent come back off, I think the colway AT's are ****, tried just before that to go over a tree laying on its side and although it was only about a foot high it wouldn't go over.

Stuck the high lift in and got the front up, on grass and ferns as it happens, but couldnt push the fooker off, think you must have to lube the tubes or sumut, anyway kept going and it sunk into the ground squintie and fell off. Total ****e decent tyres would have pulled me off.

Do you have to put the handbrake off or sumut, ya think I'm doing something wrong.

Oh and whats left of the side steps are getting cut off, I have smashed them to fook.
yeh i would say take the handbrake off ... :D

side steps ?? its ruddy rock sliders ya need ... :p oh and a chain saw ....:D
yeh i would say take the handbrake off ... :D

side steps ?? its ruddy rock sliders ya need ... :p oh and a chain saw ....:D

Yep I'll try that the next time, and I'm gona make rock sliders to fit onto the step brackets.

I've got two chainsaws in the wagon wif all the other gear, but because I couldnt get over the tree, I went around and in the ferns was a fookin tree stump, in actual fact there were tons of the fokers cause I kept hitting them, and smashed the steps to fook, bent one up and tore the rubbers of a couple of weeks ago crossing a big ditch thing aswel.

Bit too rough I think but couldnt stop going up hill or I wud have got stuck and rolled back, and there was a massive drop into a river so I kind of duffed a few stumps on the way up. But I've got the route sorted so off again next week for more trees.

No fookin layin down for me bad back un all.

Got a steerin guard tho, good job!!
its all fun .. until it gets expensive ... its a pity money dont grow on some o them trees ... we'd all be rollin in it ....
its all fun .. until it gets expensive ... its a pity money dont grow on some o them trees ... we'd all be rollin in it ....

At 600 quid a fill for my oil tank and 4 fills a year, the disco pays for itself, so although it dunt grow on them it certainlly grows in them.

Wish I could run cars on wood.

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