got mine from local dealer for £50 for 2x5foot lengths. 100x50 is a standard size so you should get it anywhere.
follow the guide and its not too bad
yeah i know but was 3 months ago when steel was pricier and got it straight away and was 50yrds away from garage where i was working. all others where nxt day or 2 day delivery which was no good cos truck had no sill or floor and needed it to drive home that evening. also lot cheaper,easier and stronger than sill repair panels!
Not worried about the MOT, my sills are pretty good .. but presumably if I were to replace them anyway with box section, these would be good enough for rocksliders too?
Been musing over (saving money up) fabricating rock/treesliders, but it seems a bit daft to put them on and create yet another sludge/rust trap on the Disco.
gonna put some sliders onto my box section when i get round to it. its also strong enuf to jack off aswell so you could even put hi-lift points in it if u wanted

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