
Active Member
Morning , just a bit of clarification on something please , the mot ran out on my series 3 in January 2020 ,
it is currently off road (parked) but not sorn , the vehicle was Produced in August 1982.

Two Part question ,

1. Is my vehicle tax exempt as of 01/01/2002 or August 2002 ?
2. Does my vehicle require an MOT at time of excemption? , ie , it has done approx 20 miles since last mot and just sat there , so I am confident it will pass , however if I dont get Mot done by 01/01/2002 and this is indeed the date it becomes exempt on do I need to get it MOTd?

Thanks in advance,
We have been through this with Delorean owners, some are JAN 81 others Nov 81....Aug 82 wont be exempt until anything other than Jan is bumped a year.

To apply for the exemption you just need V5 and insurance certificate you wouldn't need an MOT..

V112_170920.jpg (

There is A LOT if inconsistency in the process, several folk have applied and its worked others have and it hasn't.
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I would recommend getting it sorned.

As at the moment as I understand it you are in violation of the rules.

The Govt are going to want to get all their money back sooner or later that they have spent recently, I can see them tightneing up/enforcing their rules on pretty much everything especially if there is some sort of fine involved.
So as suggested get it sorned asap.
Morning , just a bit of clarification on something please , the mot ran out on my series 3 in January 2020 ,
it is currently off road (parked) but not sorn , the vehicle was Produced in August 1982.

Two Part question ,

1. Is my vehicle tax exempt as of 01/01/2002 or August 2002 ?
2. Does my vehicle require an MOT at time of excemption? , ie , it has done approx 20 miles since last mot and just sat there , so I am confident it will pass , however if I dont get Mot done by 01/01/2002 and this is indeed the date it becomes exempt on do I need to get it MOTd?

Thanks in advance,
All the info is on the Gov site. And tbh it is all pretty clear and easy to read.

Tax exempt also means you don't pay tax. Not that it doesn't have it. So you need to apply for historic status. Again this is all clearly written on the .gov site.

MoT and Tax exemption use slightly different dates, so you could have one without the other technically, although rarely is this possible. You need to know the 'build' date if the registered date is not yet due. You can pay to get this from the Motor Heritage Museum.
I have 2 off road and untaxed, does it really matter ?
If you don't mind being fined. Seriously, it takes about 45 sec to declare a SORN online. No reason or justification not too. not as if SORN is a new thing either...

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