
New Member
Just thought i would pass on the good news as i am so inpressed myself :) My 300tdi has just passed its mot with only a few things that needed doing. The dreaded tinworm showed his face (again), a track rod end,a couple of brake pipes & a hole in the exhaust. Not too bad this time bit of a pain doing the brake pipes but a few choice words & the usual blood sacrifice to the landrover god & they were persuaded to see the error of their ways & come undone. Then mister Mot man was Happy & so was i :D So to all of you out there who are about to have mots- Do not give up hope as it is all worthwhile. BRING ON THE SNOW I AM READY & LEGALTO PLAY. :D
Nice one mate,
My 300tdi has been locked up in a shed since april, going to see the light of day again next weekend hopefully, mot long expired, on sorn, (it's my winter time toy)

Cant wait to get the old girl back in action.

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