
Active Member
Hi all

So I bought the defender I went to look at on the weekend, and so far very pleased with it :)

Starting to think about some security, seeing as it has none at all:eek:
Ive browsed a few threads where people use Disclocks, and Safe T pedal lock thingys?

My primary thought was to fit a tracker, seeing as they're relatively cheap...what have people found are the most effective ways at stopping thieving scrotes driving away in your pride and joy?
The best way is to park something with very good security in front of it when your at home.

X eng pedal lock is good, as is their ignition barrel protection thingy.

Although anything is better than nothing
Until I get some of the above devices, i'm going for the whole 'Out of sight out of mind' thing
X Eng Pedel Lock -
Although I havnt got one it seems the best on the market actually being bolted into the footwell so you havnt got a huge metal box flying through cab in the event of stopping hard.

Also much easier to lock and un lock from what I hear. Its on my list after xmas
I've a full metal jacket pedal enclosure and a stoplock steering wheel cover....

As to how good it is I have no idea, Landy hasn't been stolen, but no idea if anyone has tried or been put off seeing them fitted

It's probably far easier for people to list what is bad security lol

Cheers Steve
+ 1 for the pedal lock. I hear they're awesome.

I have a clutch claw, steering wheel lock, fuel cutoff switch, GPS tracker and battery isolator switch.

I still develop irrepressible anxiety when ever i leave it somewhere new
Put a large angry dog in it IMHO would be best :)


Taking mine to have an even better immobiliser/alarm next week,not taking any chances.:amen:

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