
Well-Known Member
Hi all. I hope you do not mind me posting this.

In 2010, I finished my 3rd charity rally with my friend Adam, driving from England to Morocco and then back to English having navigated over 2000 miles of the Sahara desert in Morocco. Prior to that we have been to the Sahara in Algeria and back and also drove all the way to Mongolia. With all the fund raising support we've received to date, we've managed to raise over £4,000 for the Mercy Corps, a charity that we really believe in. This would never have been possible without support from friends, family and clubs such as this hence my request for your support. Even if it just get the charities name in a few peoples heads would be good by me to raise awareness :)

We're now preparing for our fourth charity rally, which will once again see us head to Morocco, but then head further south into the less explored Western Sahara territory. We're expecting to cover almost 6,000 miles (10,000 km) in about 2 weeks in our now 49 year old car!! Our launch date is the 23rd June 2012, and once again we really hope you can sponsor us by donating whatever you can afford to the Mercy Corps. You can donate online via our dedicated fund raising web site at Rusty Rhinos is fundraising for Mercy Corps

Our challenge, will include navigating some of our previous route where we snapped the chassis on our car, nearly lost our car to the sea (as the tide came in rapidly) and buried the car in sinking flamingo poo. Temperatures in the parts of the Sahara we're going to can reach as high as 50c that time of year! We will spend the vast majority of our time camping in the wild somewhere in the desert.

The Mercy Corps are a charity that works in many different ways all around the world to help those in urgent need of support. Their work varies significantly, but some of the work that the Mercy Corps undertakes includes providing child protection, emergency response, food security and disaster risk reduction to name but a few of the Mercy Corps' programmes. You can read more about the Mercy Corps' programme at Mercy Corps | Be the Change

If you prefer to donate in any other way, please let me know and we can arrange for other forms of donations. We're hoping to raise at least £500, although we'd be thrilled to exceed that.

You can follow our rally preparation progress on our website at and we now also have a Twitter feed that you can follow Twitter

Thanks for taking the time to read this email and any donation that you can afford will be greatly appreciated by both the Mercy Corps and me :)


Adam and Alex aka "The Rusty Rhinos"

Eating mince pies in the Sahara in the height of summer....because we can :D

Well...the response to our fundraising has been greater than we have increased our target to £1000. Wahey! Not long to go now :D
Well...the response to our fundraising has been greater than we have increased our target to £1000. Wahey! Not long to go now :D
That would be because your exploits are becoming more widely known about!

Keep it up fellas!:D
Can't support you financially, sorry, but will be supporting you mentally .. ;)
Can't support you financially, sorry, but will be supporting you mentally .. ;)
Thousands of miles in a bumpy bare old series 3.... with no air conditioning... miniscule top speeds.... seats to numb the ass off....

I think mental support is what they need most! :)
Concider yourselves supported by Goldilocks.W ell done guys, great cause, great challenge. Good Luck, think you'll need it! :)
Thank you for the mental really does play a big part!

And Goldilocks...we have been racking our brains, searching on Facebook and calling friends to see if they know who this random person was that donated to the charity. Now the mystery is solved. And thanks :D

Just over £700 to the charity now so very chuffed with that :D

You can now also follow us at Rusty Rhinos | Facebook
If this has been boring people then I apologise...but in the past few days we have had a massive amount of support for fundraising. We have now passed our £1000 target for the Mercy Corps :D :D Of course the more the merrier for the charity and donations can still be made from our website or directly at

Thanks all :)
Adam and Alex aka the Rusty Rhinos
Well...a bit of a delayed start due to engine failure. We got back a while ago but car is still in France - it will be back with us in August. Meanwhile re-building an engine ready for re-launch in early September :)
Hard luck lads. Always another time though .. ;)
morocco yes, route sort off, the plan so far is to drive down to gib get very drunk get on ferry to morocco drive in a clockwise'ish direction around it for a couple of weeks, any points of intrest i should aim for? or do you think a hard set route would be best, after all you are the seasoned traveller
replied to above in PM :)

Well... the landie stayed in France with a very kind person named Drew who later got our landie part way back to the UK. Meanwhile rebuilt another engine and later whipped over in a friends Disco 3 and picked it up on a trailer. Fitted the engine a few weekends ago and now ready to role again - we are now setting off this Saturday 08/09/2012.

We have met our charity target of £500, which was then increased to £1000 and the pot now sits at £1130 which we are very happy with. However of course even though our targets have been met donations are still open - you can do it through our website.

As already mentioned you will be able to track us live once we set off - inc speed, location and direction at and full details of the event can be found at The Rusty Rhinos - Moroccan Rally 2012 - home page

Everything crossed for this one hey!

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