
New Member
Chuggly is my wifes name for the Discovery. It apparently sounds like a tractor and it chugs.

Born in London now living in Scotland.

I am proud to say I have never been cool or trendy and have never listened to Radio1.

I am the missing link being both a LR owner and a rambler.

Regards to all
welcome aboard chuggly if your rambler and landy owner does that make you dammed if you do, and dammed if you dont? yer in the right place ere then...;)
When I was in Cambridge last year some green peace muppet put a bright yellow sticker on it

"This gas guzzling 4x4 is causing climate change.
Please buy a less polluting car"

That's not even good English!


Hell...I would love to have a whole fist full of those stickers...I would put them all over my "doosey". Right next to a sticker that says this vehicle get 4 MPG.:D

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