
New Member
Well, my first attempt at side exit eggsauce failed after about two months.

This was partly die to the flexi pipe I bought was not very good quality and party because of a very tight bend that over stressed it.

Version two is currently in the oven at 250 degrees for about half an hour, alongside the roast chicken:eek::D

Basically, I'm salvaging bits of the old back section and a couple of lengths of flexi pipe, using a ninety degree bend from the old exhaust rather than bend the flexi through ninety degrees. This is bolted on to the end of the mid section, over the chassis and out behind the rear wheel.

More to follow later if anyone is bothered.:)
purely out of interest, Is painting your eggsuce realty worth the effort and eggspence :confused:
If ya want it to look pretty, yes

If ya want it to last longer, no, they rot from the inside
Save time & effort in the future again just do a proper job without flexi lol, :rolleyes:
Excuse my welding lol


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