
Active Member
Anyone tried fitting a Hydrogen Kit to there RangeRover / Landy, some good results on Fuel saving's and it only needs water and a little baking soda!!


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Aww FFS!

With 148 posts, I'd have thought you'd have known better.
co it's bin discussed on ear oodles of times.

it's total bollox and if it worked it would defy the laws of physics.
yea, and an overnight re-fill gives you a range of 25 miles!
whoopeee dooo.
My friends just fitted a £250 kit to his 6.5 litre beast. The engine runs quieter, the power has increased, but he hasn't yet monitored the MPG.

You can build you own kit for under £100 apparently. I'm gonna look into this.
My next door neighbour built his own and perfected it to produce a lot of hydrogen but it takes a lot of battery power to produce so maybe not worth the effort.

Does improve mpg but some say it is dangerous:)
At least the little rodents would keep your battery topped up. :D:D

Jesus Rob where do these people get there thinking power from. Magnets to align the fuel molecules. Swirl devices for the inlet track. Super flow air filters. Mothballs in the petrol tank. One of those actually works guess which one?
I ask myself the question, why wouldn't car manufacturers be fitting these things as standard if they increased power and economy for an extra £250! Perhaps it's a global conspiracy by oil companies and the satan worshipping baby eating illuminati, or perhaps it's because it's just pure snake oil!
I have 2 words to describe this particular 'phenomenon' that is all over the Internet -

1. Horse
2. S**t

Rearrange to make a popular phrase or saying....

To produce the 'hydrogen' or Browns Gas (HHO) requires energy. Ultimately, that energy can only come from your fuel. To increase your mpg or power would require a net surplus of energy, requiring processes not just with 100% efficiency, but greater than 100%. This violates the laws of thermodynamics.

I did see a website do a great debunk of this, using equations and maths and complicated science stuff... That if you can follow it, makes it plain as day.

Proponents of this so-called 'technology' wil try and claim a 'catalyst' effect, or mention 'incomplete burning of fuel' or some such junk, that sounds vaguely plausible to those (most people) who have little knowledge of the chemical processes involved in the internal combustion engine.

In short... It's total bolleaux.
It sounds like those £20 "+20bhp chips" widely available on eBay for every concievable car on the market that are just a resistor that spoofs the ECU to put the choke on all the time, increasing fuel consumption and washing all that power sapping oil off the bores but probably not adding any power under any road conditions you can think of...

Used to frequent rovertech.net and I remember about 7 years ago one of the regulars got so fed up of answering questions about these "performance boosting" cons that he listed a (spoof) eBay auction for a "Super Resistor of Power" making lurid claims that fitting it to your car would improve the car's performance, end global poverty, improve your sexual prowess etc etc etc.

He had thousands of views as the listing "went viral" amongst loads of car forums and hundreds of very funny questions by the time the auction ended, but in amongst the hilarity at least he managed to educate a few that these things are rubbish and are quite simply cons relying on people with little or no scientific/engineering knowledge being bamboozled by a few seeming plausible claims...

Hi to all ye nay sayers,
Yes it can be done(water is hydrogen and oxygen)
It just needs investment, problem is if you perfect it you will dissapear into thin air,
Whats the government going to do! Tax water ! Then theres the oil companys,
I have tried this little exsperiment in my shed , but deemed it to be dangerous so i will leave it to the experts , dont knock it if you aint tried it , it just makes you look ignorant ,

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