
More malicious lies and fabrication from "PigSty PirateJohn" Wesley
Gilmer III via one of his dozens of chicken**** aliases:

On 21 May 2006 13:23:18 -0700, "Billy's Daddy"
<Billy_Cmelaks_daddy@hushmail.com> wrote in alt.fan.frank-zappa:

>From: "Billy's Daddy" <Billy_Cmelaks_daddy@hushmail.com>
>Newsgroups: rec.outdoors.rv-travel,alt.fan.frank-zappa
>Subject: Cmelak: self-made con artist and Karen Anderson's stalking partner, was Re: latest scam of Karen Anderson
>Date: 21 May 2006 13:23:18 -0700
>Message-ID: <1148242998.928452.25500@j33g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>

><< I own acres of real estate in several states >>
>"Hoodoo" the "wealthy land baron" has a 1/4 interest in a $10,000
>mobile home lot in Southern Florida that is so ****ty that it cannot be
>developed. Beyond that, well ... he's BSing you. He rents the
>property that his mobile home is on.
>He also drives an over 20 year old Ford pickup truck that has over 130K
>miles, according to the Wisconsin authorities.
>He used to post about how he couldn't afford parts for his old Jeep.
>Presumably it just finally fell apart.
>Basically, don't let this Cmelak bum fool you. He's just trailer trash
>in a mobile home, living in the woods of rural Wisconsin in an area
>where no one wants to go. He cannot afford to travel, just like Karen
>Anderson, who writes half of his crap.

Well, turdbrain, I couldn't allow you to take one short snippet of a
message that I posted and spin it to suit your denigrating fabrication
regarding me, so, pasted below preceding the double line break is the
full text of the message I posted. Beneath the double line break is
additional verified factual data about you.

All of it what I posted in the message from which you chose to extract
and spin one short phrase is true and verifiable, whereas, I defy you
to produce or cite one verifiable fact regarding all of your bile
quoted above.

I know you can't do it because not one single detail you state above
about me is true. I know that, but you don't. So, sociopath, prove
what you stated above.


From: Hoodoo <hoodoo@spamcop.net>
Subject: Re: latest scam of "PigSty PirateJohn" Wesley Gilmer III:
seeking partners for television and video production!

On Sat, 20 May 2006 09:32:41 -0500, "El Alumbrado"
<el*alumbrado@yahoo.com> wrote in rec.outdoors.rv-travel:

>>>latest scam of "PigSty Pirate John" Wesley Gilmer III: seeking
>>>partners for television and video production! BWAhahahahahaha!!!!!!!

>Hoodoo needs something real to worry about. I can probably get him an IRS
>El Alumbrado
>"Civis Texanus Sum"

Bring it on, bitch.

I've got nothing to hide, UNLIKE the despicable scumbag you are
supporting and facilitating:

I own acres of real estate in several states,

I own my own home,

I am not parasitic by scamming and stealing from elderly females,

I do not have $30,000 of unsecured debt with no intention of repaying

I do not live with a pseudo-female albino buffalo looking 'thing'
(that is so ugly she's happy to get anything resembling a man) while
still being married (I believe a third wife, in his case),

I am not an alcoholic (with your boy gilmer being an abusive one), nor
am I compelled to travel to Mexico for dental work because I cannot
afford to pay American health care fees,

I have never had chlamydia, nor would I be proud of spreading it
around Jacksonville, Florida (or anywhere else), about which he has
bragged of doing,

I don't wear contact lenses and think that your pal fiddling with his
after touching his diseased dick when taking a ****, but not washing
his hands first, shows his disregard for personal hygiene,

I did not contract another communicable disease recently, aseptic
(i.e., "fecal" related) meningitis, which further defines his total
disregard for personal hygiene as well as endangerment of anyone
who subsequently has the misfortune of contracting it from him,

I could continue, but, since you've become fast friends with the
disease-laden sociopath and parasite, I'll allow you to discover the
myriad ways in which your good buddy "PigSty PirateJohn" Weasley
Gilmer III will enrich (ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!) your life.

Have fun, 'tard-ass!

"PigSty PirateJohn" Weasely Gilmer III who initiates and perpetuates,
yet refuses to take responsibility for, internet and real life abuse:

John Wesley Gilmer III, 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida
32258; (904) 247-3543 or (904) 652-7222 or (904) 268-5220 or (904)
673-0932; "I'm smarter, bigger, stronger, and a lot meaner than you
are. You also won't be the first person that I didn't like who I had
to kill. Legally." -- john wesley gilmer III; john wesley gilmer III
is, of course, "el Presidente, Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club,


The information below is verified data regarding the malicious
miscreant - "PigSty PirateJohn" Wesley Gilmer III - who hides
behind dozens of aliases to flame, harass, and infringe upon other
people. It is unknown how many more aliases the scumbag hides behind.

John Wesley Gilmer III
12526 Agatite Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
(904) 268-5220 or (904) 673-0932
(904) 247-3543 or (904) 652-7222

Known and verified aliases:



"Douggie" <Douglas_Long@hushmail.com>
"Nightmare" <your_worse_nightmare@mac.hush.com>
"Willy" <Hoodoo@hush.com>
"Scipio's roommate" <scipios_pal@yahoo.com>
"Ginger" <Ginger_Germany@yahoo.com>
"Floyd" <scipios_pal@yahoo.com>
"Viper" <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>
"Jose" <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>
Bill Cmelak loves his Hoodoo <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>


"Bill Cmelak" Hoodoo@hush.com
"Smelly Billy" <Hoodoo@hush.com>
"Guy Good" <TrollWatch@hush.com>


Take notice of the "NNTP-Posting-Host:" data in the
headers of messages he has transmitted. He posted those messages via
his place of employment, Moffitt Corporation in Jacksonville Beach,
Florida. What a ****-hole that must be to allow an abject loser
like him to post all manner of malicious and racist content all day
long. = Moffitt Corporation

Moffitt Corporation
1351 13th Avenue South, Suite 130
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

The messages whose headers are transmitted via "NNTP-Posting-Host:" are those he typically spews away from Moffitt
Corporation, usually from the house owned by his facilitating
girlfriend Deborah Lynch rather than that of his current wife
Claudia, aka "Joey.

The latest development is that "PirateJohn" Gilmer has posted
messages that originate from the domain which is
registered to Venus Medical Communications, 1351 13TH AVE S,
JAXVILLE BCH, FL, 32250 which, not too surprisingly, is a very
close neighbor of Moffitt Corporation whose address is 1351 13th
Avenue South, Suite 130, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250!

"PigSty PirateJohn" Weasely Gilmer III who initiates and perpetuates, yet refuses to take responsibility for, internet and real life abuse:

John Wesley Gilmer III, 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258; (904) 247-3543 or (904) 652-7222 or (904) 268-5220 or (904) 673-0932; "I'm smarter, bigger, stronger, and a lot meaner than you are. You also won't be the first person that I didn't like who I had to kill. Legally." -- john wesley gilmer III; john wesley gilmer III is, of course, "el Presidente, Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club, www.ABVMC.com"
Updated 5-2006.

The Hoodoo@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The account is
owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named Bill Cmelak who
lives in a mobile home in rural Wisconsin. However, much of what is
written is actually written by an old woman named Karen Anderson who
lives in Washington State. This pair have stalked several people over
the last several years, usually online but in some selected cases
Anderson has been known to real world stalk. Why they stalk certain
individuals is often unknown even to their victims, although failed
relationships, imagined or otherwise, motorcyclists (Cmelak was once a
motorcyclist and now feels inferior because of his financial and
physical handicaps that prevent him from riding), motorhome enthusiasts
(Anderson once owned a travel trailer and is frustrated because she
cannot travel), and people whose politics they disagree with are common

This Cmelak asshole is:
William Cmelak
N9340 Pickerel Creek Rd
Pearson, WI 54462-8140

More info on the 450 lb., bisexual, genuinely insane Cmelak Troll can
be found at:

Cmelak has a dialup account with Frontiernet. Drop a line to
Abuse@Frontiernet.net and let them know what you think about his

Here's a photo that another one of Cemlak's "fans" posted in the Zappa
newsgroup, saying that this was Fat Billy Cmelak, a/k/a the Hoodoo
troll. Charming, isn't he?

Described by his neighbors as looking like Haystacks Calhoun with bad
teeth, and smelling like the north end of a southbound yak, Bill Cmelak
lives a lonely existence in the woods inside a 20 year old mobile home.
Except for the part-time minimum wage job cleaning floors that he is
too embarrassed to admit that he holds down Cmelak's only contact with
the outside world is through newsgroups and email. Cmelak drives a 20
year old Ford pickup and has several other junk autos around his hovel
in Wisconsin. He has been known to brag about his financial resources
but the reality is that his so-called estate in Southern Florida turned
out to be an inherited mobile home lot valued at $10,000, of which he
only has a 25% interest. Basically, Cmelak owes everyone in the little
hick county that he lives in money and doesn't have any friends.
Consequently, he doesn't get out much.

Cmelak barely got out of high school and flunked out of his local
community college, so consider the intelligence level of this idiot
when you read his nonsense. To this day his high school classmates
still joke about him.

Cmelak was married at one time but his wife left him. Following his
divorce in the late 1990?s he incurred large debts, which were suddenly
settled, presumably through a bankruptcy filing. Since then his life
has been on a downward spiral.

>From the Psychology of the Stalker:

" Stalkers tend to be unemployed or underemployed ? They often have a
history of failed intimate
relationships. They tend to devalue their victims and to sexualize
them. They also idealize certain people, minimize what they are doing
to resist, project onto people motives and actions that have no basis
in truth, and rationalize that the target person deserves to be
harassed and violated. "

Cmelak is one sick ****, which is precisely the description given to
him by a detective that investigated him when he threatened to run over
and sexually assault motorcyclists at Daytona Bike Week in 2005. His
neighbors and anyone that associates with Cmelak needs to be warned
about him.
Details on Karen Anderson, who writes much of the garbage that the
Hoodoo Troll posts:
Karen Anderson
3590 Narrows View Lane NE #102
Bremerton, WA 98310

As posted by one of her victims:

I and several other guys over the last decade have been stalked by a
woman named Karen Anderson. She claims a residence in Bremerton,
Washington (and, indeed, the Bremerton police found her there last
year) as well as connections to Wisconsin. I HAVE NEVER MET THIS WOMAN.

She stalks and trolls online and I lost count after discovering over
100 identities that she uses, along with tales of dozens of her

In my case Anderson developed a crush on me after telling me that she
had cancer and was depressed and suicidal. After two years of
correspondence during which she would repeatedly confess that she was
in love with me, and I would repeatedly tell her that I was NOT
interested in her in that capacity but was concerned for her mental
health, she insisted on meeting me when she claimed to be visiting
Florida to see other folks. One thing lead to another, I REFUSED to see
her, and she subsequently followed me and my new girlfriend around for
several days, taking clandestine photos.

In approximately May of 2004 I received a package in the mail with
Anderson's return address containing the clandestine photos of my
office, my house, and my girlfriend, and about 40 pornographic photos
of Anderson and her vibrator. You also have to understand that I have a
long history of doing charitable works. I have been an active Red Cross
Disaster Volunteer, have been actively involved in a local breast
cancer charity for several years, and it is not out of character for me
to try to encourage someone who tells me that they are depressed and
potentially suicidal.

Following the receipt of the package of photos I received several
online death threats from a clown in Wisconsin who was hiding his
identity but who checked out as a character named William Cmelak. His
newsgroup provider verified that the threats were coming from the
Antigo, Wisconsin area.

Cmelak went on to post in public newsgroups how he had a desire to
sexually assault men during Bike Week. Really strange, psycho stuff.

The police in three states investigated and interviewed Anderson and
tried to interview Cmelak, who vanished for several weeks, but were not
able to make a case. Yet.

Since then I have discovered that Anderson stalked a handicapped
gentleman who lives in New Orleans. Her methods were very similar in
that case. He has MS, is confined to a wheelchair, and was another
sympathetic correspondent to Ms. Anderson, who at the time claimed to
have MS. According to this gentlemen she showed up completely
unannounced one day after driving from Washington to Louisiana. This
gentlemen went on to say that Anderson seemed to be talking to herself
and answering herself, and scared him so badly that he excused himself
from his own house, left her behind, and was afraid to return until
sometime the next morning when he was sure that she had left.

I have also since heard that Anderson was a mental patient and
hospitalized for about 2 years in the general Pearson, Wisconsin area.
There have been a string of other guys that have been haunted by this
crazy woman. In fact, there are a couple of newsgroups where, for a
while, the chief form of entertainment was to tell their horror tales
about Karen Anderson. But I think that the reader gets the picture.

This woman is simply not 'normal' by any stretch of the imagination.
Considering the rambling writings and murky logic of both Cmelak and
Anderson, one has to wonder if they aren't both escaped mental
patients, which was the rumor in the case of Anderson a few years ago.

On 22 May 2006 11:26:45 -0700, "Billy's Daddy"
<Billy_Cmelaks_daddy@hushmail.com> wrote in alt.fan.frank-zappa:

>From: "Billy's Daddy" <Billy_Cmelaks_daddy@hushmail.com>
>Newsgroups: alt.fan.landrover,alt.fan.frank-zappa
>Subject: FAQ: The Hoodoo Troll; two crackheads that stalk quite a few people
>Date: 22 May 2006 11:26:45 -0700
>Message-ID: <1148322405.405866.117280@i40g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>

troll tally of 9 aliases used by "PigSty Pirate John" Weasley Gilmer
III for May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006

98 messages posted via 9 aliases used by the sociopath with the
probability that one or more of the scumbag's other 30 or so aliases
may have been overlooked.

Results 1 - 30 of 30 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 8 of 8 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 3 of 3 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 1 of 1 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 3 of 3 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 6 of 6 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 2 of 2 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 10 of 10 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Results 1 - 35 of 35 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for


Results 1 - 30 of 30 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
FAQ: The Cmelak/Karen Anderson/Hoodoo Troll - two crackheads ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.motorcycle.sportbike - May 19, 10:03 am by Billy's Daddy - 3
messages - 3 authors

FAQ: the Cmelak/Karen Anderson/Hoodoo Troll -- two crackheads ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
fl.general - May 19, 10:01 am by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 2

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, two racist crackheads
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.mexico - May 19, 9:58 am by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages - 2 authors

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, two stalking crackheads with a hard-on for ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
tx.motorcycles - May 19, 9:57 am by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 2

FAQ: Hoodoo Troll, non-rider who stalks riders
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
tnn.rec.motorcycles - May 19, 9:55 am by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages -
3 authors

FAQ: The Hoodoo Troll and Stalker ; two sad hicks with a crack ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.total-loser - May 19, 9:54 am by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages - 2

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, non-rider who stalks riders
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
ky.motorcycles - May 19, 9:53 am by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 2

Karen Anderson and Billy Cmelak (Hoodoo Troll) want welfare to ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.obituaries - May 19, 9:51 am by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 2

Dick-licking Hoodoo Stalker says "Zappa fans too stupid to ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:58 pm by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages -
2 authors

Who gives a **** what retarded cross poster Hoodoo Troll thinks? ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:57 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

Skanky Karen Anderson and retarded copy and paste artist Billy ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.obituaries - May 18, 6:56 pm by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 3

FAQ: Skanky Karen Anderson and retarded Billy Cmelak -- the Hoodoo ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 6:54 pm by Billy's Daddy - 1 message -
1 author

Crossposting Karen Anderson/Cmelak/Hoodoo Troll really enjoys ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
fl.general - May 18, 4:11 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages - 2 authors

Damn, it's so funny. I'm in Cmelak and Anderson's little redneck ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 4:09 pm by Billy's Daddy - 1 message - 1

"Shrike" eh? LOL! Oh, puh-lese. The Karen Anderson/Hoodoo/Cmelak
"Shrike" eh? LOL! Oh, puh-lese. The Karen Anderson/Hoodoo/Cmelak Troll
is more like
it. Sick and obsessed and it's good to see that I'm in your head. ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 4:08 pm by Billy's Daddy - 1 message - 1

"Shrike" eh? LOL! Oh, puh-lese. The Karen Anderson/Hoodoo/Cmelak ...
"Shrike" eh? LOL! Oh, puh-lese. The Karen Anderson/Hoodoo/Cmelak Troll
is more like
it. Sick and obsessed and it's good to see that I'm in your head. ...
alt.obituaries - May 18, 4:07 pm by Billy's Daddy - 4 messages - 3

Former Utahn scores on Da Vinci Code movie
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:28 am by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages -
3 authors

CD Review: Adrian Belew - Side Three
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:28 am by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

Hoodoo: stalking, stalking, stalking. And that's all you useless ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 7:03 pm by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages -
3 authors

Hoodoo Troll: totally pathetic rednecks and I'm living in their ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 7:03 pm by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages -
3 authors

The Hoodoo Troll can't do ****. Anderson cries and whines because ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 7:02 pm by Billy's Daddy - 3 messages -
3 authors

When Gators Attack....
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 6:59 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

Dancer's daughter dies on rain-soaked road
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 6:59 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

(OT) Road Rage Survey: St. Louis is 3rd in 'most courteous ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 17, 6:58 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

Happy Birthday Ahmet!
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 16, 7:28 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

off-topic - for folks in the western USA: the real Al Gore ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 16, 7:28 pm by Billy's Daddy - 5 messages -
4 authors

Mike Keneally gets guitar therapy
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 16, 7:27 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages -
2 authors

FAQ: The Hoodoo Troll and (duh) total loser, was Re: How to ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.total-loser - May 16, 7:27 pm by Billy's Daddy - 2 messages - 2

FAQ: The Hoodoo Troll. A useless stalker with no friends and no ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 7:25 pm by Billy's Daddy - 1 message -
1 author

And, of course, the Hoodoo Troll (Karen Anderson and her retarded
partner Fat Bill
Cmelak of Antigo, Wisconsin) is a useless piece of ****. ~~~ Updated
5-2006. ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 7:24 pm by Billy's Daddy - 6 messages
- 6 authors


Results 1 - 8 of 8 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
STFU Troll. Glad to see that you are still obsessed. Crack makes ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 7:10 pm by Guy Good - 2 messages - 2

FAQ: Hoodoo Troll: two lonely old stalkers (Karen Anderson and Fat ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:09 pm by Guy Good - 1 message - 1

DIE ANDERSON< DIE! Readers of other newsgroups request. was Re ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:07 pm by Guy Good - 3 messages - 3

Anderson proves that she is mentally ill with voices in her ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:05 pm by Guy Good - 3 messages - 2

Hoodoo Troll meltdown; was - Re: Anderson and Cmelak can't do ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:04 pm by Guy Good - 3 messages - 2

Cmelak's so grotesque that skanky Karen Anderson won't even ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:03 pm by Guy Good - 4 messages - 2

oral syphillis carrier Cmelak claims that he got his puss gums ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:01 pm by Guy Good - 6 messages - 3

Buffett and PNC Arts Ctr. NJ
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 7:00 pm by Guy Good - 1 message - 1


Results 1 - 3 of 3 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, two non-riders that troll riders, was Re ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
rec.motorcycles - May 18, 7:19 pm by Jose - 36 messages - 17 authors

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, two retards on crack, was Re: Not missing a ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 7:17 pm by Bill Cmelak loves his Hoodoo
- 7 messages - 7 authors

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll, two stupid hicks, was Re: Video production ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
rec.video.desktop - May 18, 7:15 pm by Jose - 3 messages - 3 authors


Results 1 - 1 of 1 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sorted by relevance Sort by date
So You Think Deportation of all the Illegal Aliens is ...
** > I will never buy another Ford automobile as long as I live. I
don't want
the wuss image. ** Too late Cletus. You are already a wuss. ...
alt.politics.immigration - May 18, 10:06 am by Ginger - 35 messages -
17 authors


Results 1 - 3 of 3 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
Vintage motorcycle show this Saturday near St. Augustine, Florida
Just a quick word that the well-known Riding Into History show of
vintage motorcycles
will be at the World Golf Village, just off of I-95 and between ...
alt.motorcycle.sportbike - May 18, 9:50 am by BuccaneerPr...@aol.com -
4 messages - 4 authors

Vintage motorcycle show, this Saturday, near St. Augustine ...
Just a quick word that the well-known Riding Into History show of
vintage motorcycles
will be at the World Golf Village, just off of I-95 and between ...
rec.motorcycles.harley - May 18, 9:36 am by BuccaneerPr...@aol.com - 3
messages - 2 authors

Vintage motorcycle show, this Saturday, near St. Augustine ...
Just a quick word that the well-known Riding Into History show of
vintage motorcycles
will be at the World Golf Village, just off of I-95 and between ...
rec.motorcycles - May 18, 9:35 am by BuccaneerPr...@aol.com - 2
messages - 2 authors


Results 1 - 6 of 6 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
Anderson and Cmelak's crack cocaine usage has gotten way out ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:28 pm by Douglas_L...@hushmail.com -
3 messages - 2 authors

Bush to Move Dobbs to Mexican Border
** Nobody in this news group speaks "wetback", sorry. ** Too stupid to
learn, right
Boy? No wonder the immigrants ate your lunch over the immigration
alt.politics.immigration - May 17, 9:17 pm by Douggie - 4 messages - 4

Graphic Queen
** second - asswipe is a refreshing term ** **** is a refreshing term.
That's why
we call her the Graphic **** -- the phrase fits. Face it, ****'s a
loser. ...
alt.politics.immigration - May 17, 9:12 pm by Douggie - 17 messages -
8 authors

"Attrition" is the latest Buzz Word to avoid Riots - sorry it ...
<< In any case, probably we won't see 100-percent of all illegals
being declared
felons. >> You won't see any of the people here now become felons. ...
alt.politics.immigration - May 17, 9:03 pm by Douggie - 9 messages - 6

bushes immigration plan is something like this
<< WE ARE SCREWED >> Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group
of rednecks.
alt.politics.immigration - May 17, 9:00 pm by Douggie - 3 messages - 3

The Shooting has Started
** Go ahead and laugh and insult the patrons at the Waffle Shop -- and
where it leads. ** Tell you what "Iconoclast," I'll laugh ...
alt.politics.immigration - May 17, 8:58 pm by Douggie - 78 messages -
21 authors


Results 1 - 2 of 2 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

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FAQ: Low IQ Hoodoo Troll, was Re: original Survivor winner Richard ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
alt.true-crime - May 16, 7:34 pm by your_worse_nightm...@mac.hush.com
- 2 messages - 2 authors

Hoodoo Troll -- not a man, just an impoverished redneck, was Re ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by a emotionally disturbed individual named ...
soc.men - May 16, 7:33 pm by your_worse_nightm...@mac.hush.com - 26
messages - 12 authors


Results 1 - 10 of 10 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

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Typical spam from the Hoodoo Troll
pln!rex ...
newsguy.spam.sightings - May 18, 6:26 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 1
message - 1 author

Hoodoo Troll: totally pathetic rednecks and I'm living in ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:19 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 3
messages - 3 authors

Hoodoo: stalking, stalking, stalking. And that's all you ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:18 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 3
messages - 3 authors

Cmelak so grotesque even 350 lb. Karen Anderson rejects the ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:17 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 4
messages - 3 authors

Fat bulldog-faced ex-wife of Cmelak says "He was a bum then ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:17 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 4
messages - 3 authors

The Hoodoo Troll can't do ****. Anderson cries and whines ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:16 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 3
messages - 3 authors

When Gators Attack....
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:15 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 2
messages - 2 authors

Dancer's daughter dies on rain-soaked road
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:14 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 2
messages - 2 authors

(OT) Road Rage Survey: St. Louis is 3rd in 'most courteous ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 6:14 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 2
messages - 2 authors

FAQ: the Hoodoo Troll
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 6:13 am by Alcibia...@hush.com - 1
message - 1 author


Results 1 - 35 of 35 from May 15, 2006 to May 19, 2006 for

Sort by relevance Sorted by date
Looking for Hoffa... and NOT in Jersey
<< No, It's not a waste of time or money. According the report if they
him they may be able to charge someone for murder. >> You ...
alt.obituaries - May 19, 3:11 pm by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 5

Non-troll Buffett info sources
A really good discussion group that has been pointed out to me is the
over at www.Buffettnews.com. I'm finding a lot of old ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 19, 11:11 am by PirateJohn - 3 messages -
2 authors

Buffett playing at PNC in NJ? <bump past the pathetic trolls ...
From: ESteveP - view profile Date: Thurs, May 18 2006 7:59 am Email:
<spetropou...@gmail.com> Groups: alt.fan.jimmy-buffett Not yet
ratedRating: show ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 19, 11:10 am by PirateJohn - 3 messages -
3 authors

HEALTHWATCH: The Pacific Northwest, At Least According To The ...
<< You ever see his mansion? There's a lot of suckers out there. >> I
get near it. Every time I drive through that area lightning ...
alt.obituaries - May 19, 9:46 am by PirateJohn - 10 messages - 8

HEALTHWATCH: The Pacific Northwest, At Least According To
The ...
<< "If I heard the Lord right about 2006, the coasts of America will
lashed by storms," >> Yeah, well ... on the east coast at ...
alt.obituaries - May 19, 8:14 am by PirateJohn - 10 messages - 8

Far from dead: Palm OS
David Carson and I were having some good-natured discussions about the
Palm OS vs.
Microsoft's operating system for mobile devices a few months ago. ...
alt.obituaries - May 19, 8:11 am by PirateJohn - 1 message - 1 author

Good to see that the Hoodoo Troll is too busy stalking and ...
Updated 5-2006. The Hoo...@spamcop.net Troll is a composite troll. The
is owned by an emotionally-disturbed individual named ...
alt.fan.frank-zappa - May 18, 7:31 pm by PirateJohn - 1 message - 1

Buffett and PNC Arts Center NJ (bump past the trolls)
bump again
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:29 pm by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 2

Buffett and PNC Arts Center NJ (bump past the trolls)
From: ESteveP - view profile Date: Thurs, May 18 2006 7:59 am Email:
<spetropou...@gmail.com> Groups: alt.fan.jimmy-buffett Not yet
ratedRating: show ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 7:25 pm by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 2

Earl Ruby,Jack's brother
<conspiracy fever> Oh my God! They finally got him. </conspiracy
fever> Yup,
you can tell that something sinister is going on. After ...
alt.obituaries - May 18, 1:06 pm by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 5

Healthwatch: Evel Knievel
<< Larry Lujack, in his book SUPERJOCK, claims that the best category
in which to
put Knievel is "professional jerk." >> I've heard it both ways. ...
alt.obituaries - May 18, 11:12 am by PirateJohn - 11 messages - 5

LAWRENCE "RAMROD" SHURTLIFF - Mainstay of Grateful Dead crew dies ...
LAWRENCE "RAMROD" SHURTLIFF: 1945-2006 Mainstay of Grateful Dead crew
dies -- 'he
was our rock' He was a psychedelic cowboy who rode the bus with Ken
Kesey and ...
alt.obituaries - May 18, 11:06 am by PirateJohn - 1 message - 1 author

Healthwatch: Evel Knievel
Knievel, ill and in pain, won't ride again ASSOCIATED PRESS CLEARWATER
- Evel Knievel,
'70s cultural icon and poster boy for fast living and derring-do, has
alt.obituaries - May 18, 9:57 am by PirateJohn - 11 messages - 5

Buffett and PNC Arts Ctr. NJ
Steve, I did get an email from a guy that lives in the area. He said
that he
hadn't heard anything and that the show isn't listed on the PNC web
site. ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 9:29 am by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 3

Buffett and PNC Arts Ctr. NJ
It's not on the schedule at Buffettnews. I'll ask around on the other
mailing lists
and see if anyone has heard anything. --PirateJohn--
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 18, 8:11 am by PirateJohn - 5 messages - 3

Dancer's daughter dies on rain-soaked road
Wightman appears to be a rather complex person. She has an entry in
at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Cheyenne ...
alt.obituaries - May 17, 1:25 pm by PirateJohn - 4 messages - 4

(OT) Road Rage Survey: St. Louis is 3rd in 'most courteous ...
Miami as the worst I can almost see, but Atlanta having minimal road
Hmmm ... I'll have to think about that one ... Hints ...
alt.obituaries - May 17, 12:51 pm by PirateJohn - 4 messages - 4

Exporting a Land Rover from England into the States?
<< I've not checked out the page in any detail but it might be worth
you having
a look and asking the right questions to the NHTSA (whoever they are).
alt.fan.landrover - May 17, 9:09 am by PirateJohn - 18 messages - 9

OT: Wavy Gravy turns 70
<< I'll confirm that from my 57 standpoint. I'm walking up Kilimanjaro
January with a pal of mine who will then be 60. >> Harland ...
alt.obituaries - May 17, 8:38 am by PirateJohn - 17 messages - 12

When Gators Attack....
<< Are 'gators actually edible--the eaten as well as the eaters? >> Oh
The tails become little fried bits like chicken fingers. ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 9:27 pm by PirateJohn - 45 messages - 17

alternate Buffett forums - for those times when we aren't kicking ...
A really good discussion group that has been pointed out to me is the
over at www.Buffettnews.com. I'm finding a lot of old ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 9:22 pm by PirateJohn - 4 messages - 2

Alternate Buffett forums, for those times when we aren't kicking ...
A really good discussion group that has been pointed out to me is the
over at www.Buffettnews.com. I'm finding a lot of old ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 9:20 pm by PirateJohn - 6 messages - 3

When Gators Attack....
<< Hope you're staying away from them 'gators, John. >> Thanks Robert.
With three deaths we are taking them seriously, but we are ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 7:41 pm by PirateJohn - 45 messages - 17

Alligators blamed in two more deaths
<< I was thinking about the Valuejet crash and I have only a very
recollection about the Eastern crash. One thing I remember ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 5:07 pm by PirateJohn - 20 messages - 11

Alternative Buffett forums - updated 5-16-2005
A really good discussion group that has been pointed out to me is the
over at www.Buffettnews.com. I'm finding a lot of old ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 4:09 pm by PirateJohn - 2 messages - 2

Alligators blamed in two more deaths
<< > The 10th anniversary of the Valuejet crash was just a few days
Sometimes you think, "Wow, was it that long ago?" But this ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 2:11 pm by PirateJohn - 20 messages - 11

Alligators blamed in two more deaths
<< > The 10th anniversary of the Valuejet crash was just a few days
Sometimes you think, "Wow, was it that long ago?" But this ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 2:08 pm by PirateJohn - 20 messages - 11

<< Sad the way a couple determined people can destroy a nice
newsgroup. It
happens. Rec.motorcycles is the same way -- trolls yammering ...
alt.fan.jimmy-buffett - May 16, 12:44 pm by PirateJohn - 6 messages -
6 authors

When Gators Attack....
<< I just saw a Far Side go through my mind. Two alligators watching
two women
sunbathing. One turns to the other and says "Tastes like shrimp". ...
alt.obituaries - May 16, 9:10 am by PirateJohn - 45 messages - 17

Exporting a Land Rover from England into the States?
<< As far as Defenders go there are of course a number of special USA
limited addition
versions that snuck in under the radar for a year or so. ...
alt.fan.landrover - May 15, 11:34 am by PirateJohn - 18 messages - 9

Exporting a Land Rover from England into the States?
<< Can you not call them and ask them about whether it's legal and
prod around
for some info? >> Actually, I have sent them an email. ...
alt.fan.landrover - May 15, 11:26 am by PirateJohn - 18 messages - 9

OT: Anyone else think that Bill Clinton now looks older than ...
<< I do believe George HW Bush is a decent man. His son Dubya deserves
in prison. >> Oh, I think they are both smiling con men. ...
alt.obituaries - May 15, 9:23 am by PirateJohn - 41 messages - 13

Alligators blamed in two more deaths
<< You think it might have anything to do with humans intruding upon,
developing, and destroying the remaining habitat of critters? ...
alt.obituaries - May 15, 9:09 am by PirateJohn - 20 messages - 11

Exporting a Land Rover from England into the States?
<< All I know is that the bloke who exported my 101 said that to go to
the US it
had to be pre-1972 or 76 (don't know if that's build date or first
use) and ...
alt.fan.landrover - May 15, 8:33 am by PirateJohn - 18 messages - 9

Alligators blamed in two more deaths
<< We've got to close the beaches!!! >> What? And make the sharks go
Actually, neither one of these attacks was close to ...
alt.obituaries - May 15, 6:12 am by PirateJohn - 20 messages - 11


The information below is verified data regarding the malicious
miscreant - "PigSty PirateJohn" Wesley Gilmer III - who hides
behind dozens of aliases to flame, harass, and infringe upon other
people. It is unknown how many more aliases the scumbag hides behind.

John Wesley Gilmer III
12526 Agatite Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32258
(904) 268-5220 or (904) 673-0932
(904) 247-3543 or (904) 652-7222

Known and verified aliases:



"Douggie" <Douglas_Long@hushmail.com>
"Nightmare" <your_worse_nightmare@mac.hush.com>
"Willy" <Hoodoo@hush.com>
"Scipio's roommate" <scipios_pal@yahoo.com>
"Ginger" <Ginger_Germany@yahoo.com>
"Floyd" <scipios_pal@yahoo.com>
"Viper" <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>
"Jose" <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>
Bill Cmelak loves his Hoodoo <rattler_stomper@yahoo.com>


"Bill Cmelak" Hoodoo@hush.com
"Smelly Billy" <Hoodoo@hush.com>
"Guy Good" <TrollWatch@hush.com>


Take notice of the "NNTP-Posting-Host:" data in the
headers of messages he has transmitted. He posted those messages via
his place of employment, Moffitt Corporation in Jacksonville Beach,
Florida. What a ****-hole that must be to allow an abject loser
like him to post all manner of malicious and racist content all day
long. = Moffitt Corporation

Moffitt Corporation
1351 13th Avenue South, Suite 130
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250

The messages whose headers are transmitted via "NNTP-Posting-Host:" are those he typically spews away from Moffitt
Corporation, usually from the house owned by his facilitating
girlfriend Deborah Lynch rather than that of his current wife
Claudia, aka "Joey.

The latest development is that "PirateJohn" Gilmer has posted
messages that originate from the domain which is
registered to Venus Medical Communications, 1351 13TH AVE S,
JAXVILLE BCH, FL, 32250 which, not too surprisingly, is a very
close neighbor of Moffitt Corporation whose address is 1351 13th
Avenue South, Suite 130, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250!

"PigSty PirateJohn" Weasely Gilmer III who initiates and perpetuates, yet refuses to take responsibility for, internet and real life abuse:

John Wesley Gilmer III, 12526 Agatite Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258; (904) 247-3543 or (904) 652-7222 or (904) 268-5220 or (904) 673-0932; "I'm smarter, bigger, stronger, and a lot meaner than you are. You also won't be the first person that I didn't like who I had to kill. Legally." -- john wesley gilmer III; john wesley gilmer III is, of course, "el Presidente, Atlantic Beach Vintage Motorcycle Club, www.ABVMC.com"

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