
New Member
hi all

back again after a while away, the landys got a nice fresh m.o.t on it now and im looking to go away and do some light laneing.i was told by someone on here(cant seem to find the post) that there is a road on the moors in east lothian direction that is ok to go along.does anyone have anymore info on it ? and allso i was wondering , i seen on the OS map that there is a road near "Fala" called the "Moor road" is that the road and if not are we abile to drive along it or is it a no go area. i dont like to just just open gates etc and go in ,just incase i get some angry chap comeing at me with a 12bore.we are not looking for any major off roading just yet just some nice off road lanes to get muddy on and maybe stay over for the night in the landys. whould be good to try and meet up with a few folk out this direction(east/mid lothian) .

many thanks and cheers

The law regarding driving on unsurfaced roads in Scotland is very complex.

If you drive on an unsurfaced road without fully understanding the status of the route and the law(s) regarding it's use you risk prosecution for driving in a place other than a road under the Road Traffic Act.

My advice would be join a local club and speak to their 'rights of way' expert. You may also enjoy some of the many events organised.

Scottish Land Rover Owners Club - Home
Thanx for the reply on this. we went up last night to the "fala moor" road we took the risk and drove over as there was no signs or anything saying we chould not and at the end of the route we bumped into the farmer,he was very heplfull and said that it was a public rights of way so we where ok to drive on it he said anywhere thats a public right of way we can go with the landrovers"within reason",a nice chap. We will look into joining a club idealy something out this direction whould be good so we chould get to know the routes here.Thanks for the links i will have a look at them. i had a look at the s.o.r.c one a while back but i dont think thay do much out this way? someone said in passing to me on here once about starting a club of our own up for east/midlothian landy owners i dont mind putting in time to start it up i can even do us a little website for it but it whould be good to have peeps that know there "rights of way"stuff etc me and my freind are just rookies at this althou i have been doing a bit 4x4 on the estate where i do gameing work .

again thanks for the info and links i notice your out this way yourself hopefully see you around sometime.:cool:


Awight Mystic

Decided to sign up as ill keep an eye on how ya get on with the club id deffinatly be up for joining something out oor way.


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