Big Al inSalford.

New Member
Well just got out of the bath after getting back from the peaks. We tried to do the donkey sanctuary yesterday but that's another story;)
Got to the start of the lane at approx 11am and started the climb. After finding out my mt tyres arnt very good in the snow slipping just after the bridge:eek: . Managed after a bit of a try to get up and just around the corner after the first climb and that's where the fun started.
Azz was half way up to the top just as it bends around to the left (with the 100+ ft drop on the right:eek:) so out came the winches.
The story for the next 4+ hours was winch up. Tie off. Next car winch up tie off.:mad:
We could see where some one had attempted it and had to do a three point turn on the last climb before the bend and looked like they were close to the edge (too close for my liking)
But this made us more determined to do it.
During out winch-a-thon seven others came behind and turned back. The first party of two didn't have a look but the last party of five had a reccy and after seeing the three foot drifts at the top decided against it.
Well we managed to get to the gate and then it was just a case of forging your way through.
Good fun but bloody hard work. The kids had fun in the snow and my youngest went up to his waist in one drift:D he loved it!!!
Glad we kept at it as the decent was rewarding knowing we`d done it. Must admit at one point I thought to myself "WTF" am I doing here. But that soon went as we could see the finish line. Could not have done it without my mate Azz and gotta say my missus mucked in too.:angel::angel:
The look on the face of a woman in the farm houses when we pulled into the yard was priceless!
Great day out but would advise anyone that's going to give it a go, be more prepared than a boy scout and be careful.
Pics to follow just need to find my USB lead.
Big Al.

Getting winched up.

The stunning view.

On the way down after the summit.

Bout a yard to gritted tarmac at the bottom of the lane after the farm houses.

The other few photos are here.... head in the snow
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