
Well-Known Member
I am in Australia at the moment and have just survived some mini tornadoes that demolished houses only 100 yrd away and also the river which flows into the sea at this point has just had the worse floods on recorded as a slow moving ex cyclone dumped over 600 mm of water in the catchment area and the town of Bundaberg was flooded and 1000 resident had to be evacuated.
Anyway all is good now except there is another cyclone forming but wont know where or even if it will cross the coast.
In April I will be flying back to the UK and pick up my Range Rover and sort Visas out and start on a trip to Mongolia as the last time I was there I didnt have a chance to see the country as I had to sort out Visas to get back to the UK as the second entry into China with a car was cancelled at the last minute and the Exit point was Lau.
Hopefully this time I will get to see some of Gobi and surrounding countryside befor the Chinese money makes it all into a superhighway to transport minerals to China. From some of the things i saw there last year this is happening at a fast rate.
Also the Worst traffic gridlock in the world is in Ulan Batar and also the worst drivers in the world are there as well.
After having said that I really enjoyed what i saw of the country and its people.

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