Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!


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Hi guys, it's coming up to insurance renewal time and I'm looking for a decent quote, am currently with frank pickles but they no longer cover 4x4's. I've tried Adrian flux and Lancaster both coming in within a few quid of each other at a shade under £500 (more than double what I paid last year) tried footman James.... what a waste of time that was (nearly £1000 and they don't insure mods). Is there anyone else I should try before letting one of the above rip me off?
I was with Sureterm but then Adrian Flux came in cheaper - insurance in general has shot up over the past 12months so you'll be lucky to find one cheaper than last year!!
Remember when all us 4x4 owners kept the roads going, helping ppl home who were stupid enough to go out in the snow?

Thats why we are being penalised. My insurance came thru at £1200 with adrian flux. 4yrs NCB. You're lucky
I was with sureterm year before but had to cancel midterm as I wanted to add mods. She asked if I intended to use my vehicle offroad, I replied yes and she said they couldn't continue my insurance. They still owe me £140 from October. Don't think I'll be using them robbin feckers!
I was with Sureterm but then Adrian Flux came in cheaper - insurance in general has shot up over the past 12months so you'll be lucky to find one cheaper than last year!!

I'm not too fussed about finding one cheaper than last year, just one that isn't double.
Adrian Flux have always sorted me out.

Direct Line won't insure mods.

Sureterm wouldn't insure mine because of all the mods and the fact that I do 15,000 miles per year, strangely.

Performance Direct would insure it but it was almost double the Adrian Flux price. won't insure all the mods either, Footman James won't insure it either.

Quite a nightmare really, but if you want offroad cover, I reckon Adrian Flux is the way to go.
Have Frank Pickles stopped doing 4x4 insurance all together?, just that I am currently with them only paying £147 fully comp with mods on 300tdi.

I really do not want to have to mess about looking for more insurance.
AFAIK Pickles only does modded 4x4's if they are your 2nd vehicle doing low mileage. They won't insure it if it's ya main vehicle. They refused me and mine is bog std.. even got the egr valve fitted still :eek:
That is what mine is 2nd car low mileage, but it says on their website that they have stopped doing 4x4 insurance please go to adrian plux?

Does this mean I cannot carry on with them this year when my renewal is up in october?
That is what mine is 2nd car low mileage, but it says on their website that they have stopped doing 4x4 insurance please go to adrian plux?

Does this mean I cannot carry on with them this year when my renewal is up in october?

Must be then. Maybe Flux have bought em out..
That is what mine is 2nd car low mileage, but it says on their website that they have stopped doing 4x4 insurance please go to adrian plux?

Does this mean I cannot carry on with them this year when my renewal is up in october?

That's right, I got a letter from Frank Pickles saying we are unable to provide you with a renewal quote as we have withdrawn from the 4x4 market to concentrate on other business.
Think I'm going to go with flux, just over £500 with offroad insurance and breakdown cover. It says on pickles website, "mention Frank Pickles on your quote with Adrian Flux to get the best deal" so now I have a price from flux without mentioning pickles I'm gunna ring up and mention them to see if it makes any difference I have a price from flux without mentioning pickles I'm gunna ring up and mention them to see if it makes any difference

Do let us know how that goes! I'm in the same situation... renewal almost due, have quote from flux, already renewed with them technically, but if mentioning frank pickles helps you out it might help me too.

I used flux last year as well though, so not sure how well it'll stand up with me.
I was with Footman James on a classic policy for my 90, changed to a disco and the wanted £370FC..i told them that i'd had a quote of £250FC..they called me back 5 mins later, and by some business phenomenen i like to call ''picking random figures out of their arse''..they could now quote me £245FC...its a miracle.
proper ballache this year.
swapped from nfu after 10+ years as they wanted 630 quid, up from 400 quid last year.
now with sureterm at 260 quid.
took bout 3 days to sort tho, searchin round.

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