Skinny Mike

Well-Known Member
So probably everyone has worked this out, but if you haven't;
My Hippo always has a misty windscreen in the cold mornings, especially as it lives outside and it's cold up North you know.
So bought 2 moisture bags and put them in and that helps a bit. But if you put the heater onto recirculate just before you switch it off last thing at night, no more misty windscreen:)
Then leave it on recirculate for the first 10 minutes when you start it back up, it keeps the cab dry and you can see!!
Hope this helps someone.
So probably everyone has worked this out, but if you haven't;
My Hippo always has a misty windscreen in the cold mornings, especially as it lives outside and it's cold up North you know.
So bought 2 moisture bags and put them in and that helps a bit. But if you put the heater onto recirculate just before you switch it off last thing at night, no more misty windscreen:)
Then leave it on recirculate for the first 10 minutes when you start it back up, it keeps the cab dry and you can see!!
Hope this helps someone.

I can give my TD4 misty windows by using the recirculate button.
If I leave mine on recirc with my FBH remote in operation. It mists the windows up very quickly.
If I have it set for fresh air, there's no misting.

This is only when I use the FBH on remote. If I'm actually driving, there's no misting on recirc.
I can give my TD4 misty windows by using the recirculate button.
If I leave mine on recirc with my FBH remote in operation. It mists the windows up very quickly.
If I have it set for fresh air, there's no misting.

This is only when I use the FBH on remote. If I'm actually driving, there's no misting on recirc.
Putting the heater into recirculation before parking and leaving the car, stops the cold air from "falling" into the cab. This seems to be why they mist up so badly.
Makes sense as it's keeping the warmer dryer air in the cab whilst stopping the cooler moist air from being drawn in.
Just don't fart in the car before leaving it:confused:
I have no such problems with climate control and heated screens but I will check with the butler as the car is always warm when I get in it :p
I have no such problems with climate control and heated screens but I will check with the butler as the car is always warm when I get in it :p
I have a remote for my FBH. Much less hassle than having a butler. I can press the heated screen button myself ;)
If you have aircon, put aircon on, recirculate and heater on full blast. Should clear quickly then. :)

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