
New Member
Hi all, the story goes like thus, on my way home from work last Tuesday night a red battery light appears on the dash of my 91 200 tdi defender. Arse. so pulling up on the drive i turn off the lights and heater to see if tacking minimal draw from the battery solves the problem. but no. Ok I think lets grab my torch, pop the bonnet an see if the belt has snapped and get the serial number off the alternator and what amps it is putting out.

so hanging over the rad pointing my torch at the belt i can see it whizzing round. good. whats that say over there me thinks i cant quite see. just then unbeknownst to me the wife pulls up in her car and beeps her horn to say hello im here. I jumped caught my left hand on the alternator belt, bang fingers through the pulley, blood, snot and bone every were!!!!!

So 2 trips to the hospital later. 1 operation to re attach tendons and chop off bits of mangled bone i am now minus 1 didget and still do not know the amp age of my alternator. So my question to you all is.

Dose any one know what the stranded amp age for a 1991 200 tdi defender alternator and were can i get a 100 amp one from as i have a rake of spotlights and a winch to power .

Thanks liam.......7 fingers lol
Damn mate! I drive an RRC and I don't know the answer to your question, but I just wanted to give you my well wishes.

Good luck on your recovery!
where theres blame theres a claim
would be wanting new landy and the mrs is to blame me thinks
are many cups of tea
be playing on this 4 months
If I lived closer I'd be bringing yer tea & cakes and sympathy myself. You are taking the loss very well - maximum credit to you for that.
give him chance ,he's got to learn to use his camera left handed now:D .Sorry to hear about your accident chap .

It was his left hand that he stuffed in the rad belt, (mind you, theres no proof as such yet), I hope the missus is looking after you she should!!;);):D
truly sympathize mate. I,ve got a cleft hoof for a thumb last week. No guard on the angle grinder!! Next time she gives you the horn, use it b4 u loose it:hysterically_laughi
You could give her a slap with your right hand, maybe? :doh:. Seriously though, hope you heal well, and it doesn't put you off your hobby.

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