
New Member
Put another 2.25 petrol into my series 3, whilst I was at it I changed coil, distributor, leads etc.

Runs great for about 10 miles then starts miss firing - any ideas. My guess at the moment is fault in condeser or coil?
Could be fuel pump or filter not providing enough juice for the engine. Or vapour lock in your tank could do it.
Make sure the fuel filler cap is a vented one, or the tank has some other form of air vent, or else there will be a vacuum formed in the tank as the fuel is drawn out, because air can't get in to replace it.

This will happen quicker when the tank has lots of juice in it.

Faults in coils and condensers are rare but possible. When a coil heats up, a broken wire inside a coil can separate, and then join again when it cools down. VERY ANNOYING fault!

However, misfiring is irritating, and can be a bother to trace.

How sure are you your valve clearances are set properly, for instance?

But as Slob points out, make sure the choke is right off first.

Try going for a run with the filler cap off and see if that helps.
Who knows if this model Landy needs a vented filler cap?

Sorry wrong thread - I was hoping for some top pics of "Miss Firing". Proper gorgeous she was you know.

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