Lazy Landy

New Member
Right, sum little T**T smashed my wing mirror off the other week, so i ordered a new one from padds but the probloem is that it keeps moveing right out of posision on the ball joint.

Is there anything that you can do to stifen these up, or have i missed sumething?
yup - the fix is to fust bash it gently against sum ickle urchins left ear (or right if yu cant reach):D
Yeah, I had that problem.

Turn it upside down & there should be some kinda screw, but to be honest, when I looked at me ol' mirrors it was so rusty I couldn't actually tell what it used to be! Should be ok on a new 'un tho'.

Gave up with mine & nicked, well both achally, off me 90 before I flogged it!
how about a lil bit of locktite in the ball joint, make sure u use the medium or low strengt stuff so that if you gotta move the mirror again u should be able to with a bit of force and if u do knock it the glue should break and let the mirror move a bit

gunna try this then try the low first and see what its like this is just an idea i havent tried it but in theory it should work

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