
Hi all,
Ex military 110 door top sliding glass is driving me insane the rattling is beyond a joke now. Wedging card up in the gap works a while until the compact to much and drop out or you open the windows for a cheeky macdonalds drive through they drop out.

Wondering is there some replacements seals that they need? Or something people have used themselves and made up something to stop the rattle. I think I've found some parts for it but them seem stupid expensive for what essentially is some foam?

Thanks in advance!
Hi all,
Ex military 110 door top sliding glass is driving me insane the rattling is beyond a joke now. Wedging card up in the gap works a while until the compact to much and drop out or you open the windows for a cheeky macdonalds drive through they drop out.

Wondering is there some replacements seals that they need? Or something people have used themselves and made up something to stop the rattle. I think I've found some parts for it but them seem stupid expensive for what essentially is some foam?

Thanks in advance!

Does it not just need the felt runners replacing that sit in the frame surrounding the glass? I have done it a couple of times with mine and you do not need to dismantle to door to do it. After removing the old one you open the window fold the felt strip in half and insert it into the groove starting at the edge of the open window. Then close the window over the strip and reopen the window moving the felt with the glass through the channel in the frame. Keep repeating this until the felt strip sits along the whole length.
I got mine from here but cannot remember the size, will look up my last order for you.

I have done mine twice and helped a friend do his, the description of how to do it makes it sound more complicated and difficult than it is, in reality is is a 10min job.

EDIT: This is what i used to do mine.
Does it not just need the felt runners replacing that sit in the frame surrounding the glass? I have done it a couple of times with mine and you do not need to dismantle to door to do it. After removing the old one you open the window fold the felt strip in half and insert it into the groove starting at the edge of the open window. Then close the window over the strip and reopen the window moving the felt with the glass through the channel in the frame. Keep repeating this until the felt strip sits along the whole length.

I got mine from here but cannot remember the size, will look up my last order for you.

I have done mine twice and helped a friend do his, the description of how to do it makes it sound more complicated and difficult than it is, in reality is is a 10min job.

EDIT: This is what i used to do mine.

Hi that's great! Thanks so how does the felt stay in place? Does it need gluing?
The felt sits in a channel has a lip on it rather than just being u-shaped so the lip keeps it in place. No glue needed.
Thanks so much, just ordered 2 lengths at 6ft, that ought to be enough its just the tops you do right? 2 channels a side?
Thanks so much, just ordered 2 lengths at 6ft, that ought to be enough its just the tops you do right? 2 channels a side?
I think so but obviously there are two top Channels one for each panel. I will check mine next time I am in the barn (currently undergoing rebuild)
The bottom slides have 6 little plastic runners, 3 per window. These wear out. Tell tale is scratches in the bottom channel. Bit of a job to replace, and they are a ridiculous price at 3+ quid each.
But if they are worn, changing the felt won’t stop the rattle when the window is open.

oh, the forward window has felt top and front, rearward window has felt top and rear.
The bottom slides have 6 little plastic runners, 3 per window. These wear out. Tell tale is scratches in the bottom channel. Bit of a job to replace, and they are a ridiculous price at 3+ quid each.

But if they are worn, changing the felt won’t stop the rattle when the window is open.

So I've got 2 lengths at 6ft each so I'd think 3ft per glass pane top front/back that ought to be enough I'd think? Haven't been out with a measure but surely should be alright? Not sure what you mean about the bottom plastic bits? Think all my glass sit in a black thing that slides up and down the channels I had to re silicone one in as it would allow the window to slide when locked.

oh, the forward window has felt top and front, rearward window has felt top and rear.

No3 is the bottom bit that the 2 windows sit/slide on.
No7 and No8 are the bottom metal bits attached to the windows.
No9 are the little plastic bits - these are fixed to the underside of the metal slide attached to the windows.
Pat number: MTC6221


Hope that makes sense.

View attachment 259480

No3 is the bottom bit that the 2 windows sit/slide on.

No7 and No8 are the bottom metal bits attached to the windows.

No9 are the little plastic bits - these are fixed to the underside of the metal slide attached to the windows.

Pat number: MTC6221

View attachment 259481

Hope that makes sense.

Perfect sense thanks! So do you drill out the rivets in the window lock and the 2 on that strip to take it to bits?
Yes, You need to take the window locks out completely. Takes a bit of wiggling.
Then the screws in the bottom of the channel if they are still present. Then the rivet each end.
Both windows then come out attached to the bottom runner. They are on like a T track.
The plastic bits will be visible once you slide the windows off the ends of the track.
Yes, You need to take the window locks out completely. Takes a bit of wiggling.

Then the screws in the bottom of the channel if they are still present. Then the rivet each end.

Both windows then come out attached to the bottom runner. They are on like a T track.

The plastic bits will be visible once you slide the windows off the ends of the track.
Mate thanks for the info its dynamite! I think I'll see how well they rattle or hopefully don't once I've fitted the felt before shelling out and tearing the door tops down fitting bits of plastic, never know 36 year old bits of plastic might be in really good condition

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