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My Freelander developed a fault on Saturday (right before the Jubilee bank holiday) where it just wouldn't start & ran lumpy as hell when I finally bunged a bit of easy start in the manifold & got it running. I suspected a leaky injector and as I'm In scotland away from all my tools I decided to book it in for the work to be done. What a nightmare, of all the garages in Dundee that where open they where either too busy or refused to work on Land Rover injectors. They all stated that they needed a specialist puller for the injectors & wouldn't touch it.

I'd normally be happy to take it to my own Mechanic in Manchester who I know & trust (ex main stealer mechanic) but I'm away from home staying with the wife's family as my father in law had a stroke & relies on our car to transport him & everything else around while he is recovering.

I finally found Mike Aitken in Fife after asking around, and after a call yesterday evening he agreed to fit the car in for inspection at 8:30am today. We limped the car over to fife and he got one of his lads to check it over. Sure enough Injector 2 was a mess. He had a new injector in stock & fitted it off the shelf. 45 mins later we drove out & the car is like new, it must have been on its way out for a while. Mike showed us his full books for the next 3 weeks but still he fit us in and got us out of a real bind.

Service was excellent, he even gave me some Land Rover freebies he had been sent. Service second to none & only £21 in labour for the job, wouldn't have been worth me attempting it for that price.

Anyways if you are based in or around Dundee I recommend this guy, I've never been able to find a good indy up here by the in-laws & I'm so impressed I'm going to get them to do a few other jobs on the car. Also his yard is full of Land Rovers so he must be quite trusted. I took a crappy little video while I was waiting on the car.

Anyway, in my experience a good independent is hard to find so praise where it is due.

Mike Aitken 4x4 fife - YouTube
Nice one,It's always nice to here that some garages are prepared to go the extra mile and also know what their doing into the bargain and not rip you off :)
Definitely. I've had some awful experiences with garages, nothing better than a recommendation fo good work. hope this helps someone else.
£21 labour?

Jesus Christ!

I've known labour to be higher to change a number plate bulb on an FL1.

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