I'm appealing to anyone who knows the Mid-Wales lanes well to give me a bit of advice.

At short notice a few friends have put their hands up for some laning this weekend. There will be 3 vehicles and part of the group are in Cirencester on Saturday night. Because of this we've decided to travel from London on Saturday eve, stay in a B&B on Sat night and do some lanes on the Sunday.

We've done a few round Hay-On-Wye before, and think Strata Florida is probably a little too far (We're traveling from Bucks). I've had a scan around on Memory Map and can see some round Builth Wells.

So my question is:

Q. If you had one day of laning in mid-Wales, wanted breath-taking views, a medium challenge in well equipped vehicles (don't want to spend a day winching or causing damage), with not too much Tarmac work between lanes, then where would you go?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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