
Second problem of the day. Have a metallic sound coming from under the Landy. It's not a banging noise and is hard to describe. However when the front propshaft is removed and driven the noise goes. The propshaft itself appears fine. Any ideas???
After the UJ's, as said, I'd start with the prop slider, is it dry, stiff, or stuck? Then check diff and transfer box front bearings and their mudshields, see how secure they are.
If it stops when the prop is removed it is likely to be the prop and I would be replacing the UJ's as they are not expensive parts. Although not under load everything else on the front axle is still turning so although still worth checking as recommended above I would expect it to be a UJ. When were the UJ/prop slider last greased?
Yeah, sounds counter-intuitive, the props off so it stops making a noise therefore it's the prop ... My thinking is if the bearings either end are shot, and the prop puts strain on them whilst running they might protest, whereas without the prop they quite happily just spin away ... :)
Yeah, sounds counter-intuitive, the props off so it stops making a noise therefore it's the prop ... My thinking is if the bearings either end are shot, and the prop puts strain on them whilst running they might protest, whereas without the prop they quite happily just spin away ... :)
Definitely still worth checking. Had gearbox bearings go and they only made the noise under engine load. Coasting, engine breaking and constant speed on the flat no problem but accelerate or go up hill and it would howl.
But I have had UJ's that feel fine and that when replaced revealed cups full of rusty dust rather than the needle rollers. For the price of them while the prop is off I would replace them anyway only takes about 5min per joint if they come out nicely.
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Think I might of found the problem. The mud shield on the front diff flange is loose. Does it need to be there or if there a way to stop it moving??
It probably doesn't need to be on the front diff as much as the rear (arguably), but I'd still replace it with a new one. Be sure it's just the mud shield .. it's not much more effort to replace the bearing too .. ;)

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