
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Minty has lost a silver ring that has great sentimental value. She's 99% certain that she lost it outside the pikey wagon. I've looked but can't see the bloody thing. So if anyone local has access to a metal detector. Can I Borrow it for an hr or so..

Otherwise I'll be down on me hands and knees doing a forensics style search of the whole bloody site. :(
If you get stuck for the metal detector, buy one from Argos / Cash converters, then take it back and tell 'em it's ****e !!:eek:
I belive we MIGHT have one lurking in the basement, the father in law bought one to try and find hidden safes containing family jewels & heirlooms that the great great grandmother hid then died before telling anyone where they were... never found them :(

I'll go ask him and see if hes still got it! Im not too far away, down the road a bit in Taunton, if hes still got it youre more than welcome to come and borrow it, afraid I cant deliver it as Im working all the bloody time but Im sure the cost of fuel getting here & back would be cheaper than buying one! :)

Or failing that, dont places like Machine Mart or other generic tool hire places have metal detectors?
Bought a beginners metal detector today from Maplins for £30

Done a bit of searchin with it but no luck :Cry:

Thanks Tiercel, may take you up on the offer if its better than the cheapy one we just bought. :eek:
just a thought, but there might be a local enthusiasts club, you could offer a token reward for the finder.

BUT could also be risky if they find it and don't say, or come back when you're not there.
Send out the



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