
Well-Known Member
:Mods, i've posted this in the green laning anorl, i thought it'd get more exposure here as well, if you need to move/delete it, please do so:

Spent a fair few days working on various ways to get my android phone as a external GPS receiver for my netbook running memory maps.

However i found a much easier way of doing it and saves having the netbook running whilst out laning.

Firstly you'll need ' Google My Tracks ' on your android phone, it's free from the market place, alternatively you can download it here:

My Tracks for Android

Once installed it's pretty straight forward in setting up on your phone and works with 2.1 and above.

You can record your ' track ' as you drive around, and also set waypoint markers wherever you wish on your journey.

Once you have finished your journey, save the ' track ' then you must export the track ( i use .kml ) for it to work properly ( i found this out after it kept crashing when using the ' save to SD card ' option ).

Plug your phone into your PC or netbook ( set it up for Disk Drive ) and search for the .kml file, once you've found it open up a web browser ( internet is required at this point, but don't despair if you haven't got it just skip this step ) and open up this web page:

GPS Visualizer: Web interface to GPSBabel

Enter the details for the .kml file ( google maps (Track/Waypoints ) and it's location and select Memory Mapps ( T/W/ ) as the output.

Click convert and download the file, then open with mem maps.

If you haven't got internet you can download GPSBabel ( the same program, just on your pc and not online ) from here :

GPSBabel: convert, upload, download data from GPS and Map programs

and do it offline.

You can obviously add/remove waypoints etc using mem maps once the file is uploaded.

I'm going to d/l this app...thanks Paul.

Quick question though...I finally installed memorymap incl maps yesterday.

I'm wanting to use my HTC HD2 phone as a GPS receiver.

Can I use it as a GPS receiver if I plug it into my laptop instead of buying a dongle?

Any idea what GPS settings it should be as I know there are a few to chose from. I tried COM4 I think it was, but to no avail grrr.

I'm wanting to use my laptop as a map while doing the tracks...
There is only 1 app that will send your GPS signal via a cable to your laptop/netbook but it's just been released and is suffering a wee bit atm. I've got to go out, but google GPSGate, then search Android on the forums, there's a discussion relating to it
back on my netbook and have some info here,

New Android Client Is Here GPS2GpsGate

I haven't dealt into alot so no expert at all, i've been chatting with John ( the dev ) via email but until i set up a GPSGate server etc, it wont work.

He has also done one for another GPSserver ( name eludes me )

In all honesty i would go with the Google my tracks unless you want to spend some time setting it all up. With my tracks it does it all for you and it's just a case of moving it to your netbook/laptop and opening it up once converted using GPSBabel. This also removes the need to have your phone & netbook/laptop running at the same time in the vehicle.
Thanks looking into it all. I'm liking the sound of the My Tracks, but I have a couple of questions.

If My Tracks does it all for you in terms of GPS etc, does it show the location of yourself on the map in realtime and move along as you drive?

If so, can this "location" icon appear on both laptop and phone or is it just the one?

Only reason I ask, is that I'm concerned my phone screen is too...

Sorry for the novice questions, but only been reading up on this over the last couple of days.


No worries with the q's, i'm new to it anorl :)

Yes it does, tested it out today, your little icon snakes along the road/track on your phone, it also provides speed/altitude stats and a bar graph for those who want it all :) It can also be transferred to excel on your laptop afterwards for more in depth analysis.

As for your laptop doing it as well, it won't display it in realtime as it's all happening on your phone, but once you've uploaded to the laptop, then yes your route will be displayed ( it'll do this on google earth maps naturally as it's in .kml format for google earth maps ).

With the GPSgate app then once it's set up it will display your route on the maps on the laptop so to speak, BUT i'm unsure if the app for GPSgate will work with memmaps, it's designed to work with server maps provided by GPSgate ( which you'll have to pay for )

Does your laptop have bluetooth btw? I believe there are are a few bluetooth apps which will send gps signal data to a laptop/netbook from your phone, memmaps should be able to pick this up using the relevant receiver port, but you'll have to google it to be sure.

Unfortunately it's not an easy option using the an android based phone as a receiver, the software is coded different and the price of USB GPS dongles are cheap as it is, so unless someone makes an easy 'plug n play ' version it's mainly for those willing to spend time and effort getting it to work ( and using dedicated software like GPSgate )

Hope that helps in answering some q's :D

Thanks Paul,

That clears a lot up. I've not got bluetooth on my laptop, but no worries...

I'm going to go down the same route as you with My Tracks. For some reason my market place can't find it. Hmmm I'll keep looking...
Argh, I'm back to square 1...just realised I'm on Windows phone and not android :lol: dear o dear.

Argh, I'm back to square 1...just realised I'm on Windows phone and not android :lol: dear o dear.


hehe, well you maybe in luck as GPS through a tether is alot easier with a windows based phone from what i've read.

Happy hunting on google though as i have no idea how to set it up ;)
Can I just plug a GPS dongle into a tablet running Android 2.2 ?? thinking of getting one for laning days out. and will memory map work on a android tablet??
Tis well known that you know fook all, speshully where Maps are concerned Now fook orf and eat a bag of sugar ya fat Cooooooooont :p
I'm not a fat cnut i'm do I know ? when I stood on the wii fit board it said one at a time please :mad:
Just read all this and understand NOTHING :confused::confused:

Fought teknolergy wuz sposed to make fings simple :rolleyes:

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