
New Member
Has anybody out there got any Memory Map Overlays for wales or Derbyshire. As you probably have seen we are out and about from 20th to the 25th and we are still on the look out for more lanes to do. If anybody has got any Overlays for memory map it would be brill. We are taking the PDA with GPS so its alot easyer if we can get some overlays.....

Cheers guys

dont bother with the overlays for derbyshire The roads are in such a bad state here you need a 4x4 where ever you go . They just closed the snake again I see...

The Snake Pass is closed for about a month !!!!!!!:mad:

The wonderful people of Derbyshires highway department are throwing some new tarmac on top in the sad atempt to make it a road again !!!!:mad:

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