
New Member
hi everyone, new to the forum, just inherited a p38 diesel 1995 in year,
ive read all about the immobiliser problems and becm quirks and as the one ive got is locked up and ive tried all the usual ive decided to get radical and remove the becm completely!! yes you read it right!!!
i know there will only be one of two results, a breaker if i fail, or the most reliable range rover on planet earth! if i succeed haa.

who,s with me and who,s laughing????????

i looked at what the becm controls, and my car which by the way is going to become a van/ workhorse /recovery tug, either doesnt have it, doesnt need it, can live without it or need a little help to figure out how to get round it.

step one who knows how to sort the engine ecu immo to run as stand alone item?
step two electronic speedo??
step three transfer box?? manual transmission btw.
all ideas/ suggestions gratefully accepted

cheers alan. please no abuse, i,m not an idiot, just like to experiment.
I wouldn't even try to go there. If it was that easy to disable the immobiliser by removing the becm then there would be loads of P38's nicked. The alarm/immobiliser function can be 99% disabled. To save wasting your time, just buy a Classic.
thanks for that last reply but you have to realise that, i didnnt buy it, i have nothing to lose, and its an experiment and i am going to go there! watch this space:)
to get the engine running and bypass the immob i would consider using an aftermarket ignition system. i am not sure if it can be done with the original ecu(s) as they are programmed to function together.

the other thing is if the becm and security system just need re-syncing then i would suggest this as the cheapest option!

but if your determined to go down the route of ripping out the becm and ecu i would have a browse around the tvr/morgan etc forums that are around. they use a lot of Rv8 engines and obviously have a way around having no becm etc.

as for elec windows, they just need power dont they? suspension might be tricky if its air suspension.
but if your determined to go down the route of ripping out the becm and ecu i would have a browse around the tvr/morgan etc forums that are around. they use a lot of Rv8 engines and obviously have a way around having no becm etc.

Gav, I don't think theres many TVR/Morgans running BMW Doozel lumps (not the powerful engine available....:jaw:).

Manandvan when you've finished your project give me a shout and we'll cut a deal for whats left, please don't throw any bits away.
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hi guys, quick update, yes its a bmw diesel, does anyone know if theres an easy immo bypass to this ecu please?? i have been quoted 130 quid to reprog it, as for the suspension i,m going to ditch the ecu in favour of a manual set of up/down switches on a wander lead so i can stand beside it and manually choose my height, this means i can dump the troublesome height sensors as well, i made a big start today, i took the interior out and most of the dash, if i had any second thoughts they were banished when i saw the abismal state of the wiring under the driver floor mat and behind the f/r/ kick panel its green corroded and orrible!!
all the bits including the becm are on offer, rear seats are grey cloth, rear belts, dog cage, air sus ecu/wiring, etc.
any ideas on manual speedo?? i,m thinking bmw or rover clocks maybe???

all ideas /suggestions welcomed with open arms.

cheers everyone
hi by the way, i did try for two whole days to resync the becm to engine ecu to no avail before i went berzerk, also heres an interesting one for you, i added my own data link connecter into the brain wires and scanned it as a bmw using snap on red brick scanner with bmw pod and key 34, i hasten to add when i did this, i seperated the engine diagnostics from the car/becm. cheers
where does the immobiliser system live? surely its just a case of bypassing this with a signal to send to the engine ecu? ive never done anything like this myself but i would imagine it cant be that hard!
The becm does all the handshaking between the rf unit and the engine ecu. It's not as easy as putting a jumper wire or simple on/off switch somewhere to duplicate an output-if it was, don't you think that there would be loads of P38's nicked and a lack of "Immobilised" and "Lock Out" related posts on here?
It's a very sophisticated system-as you all know.
The alarm and immobiliser function CAN be disabled but not 100%. as certain sections of the code will remain passive-however, it does work in practice.
By delving in to the BECM and changing settings and parameters. Obviously, won't go in to it in detail on an open forum. But trust can be done.
thank you irishrover for answering, the question gavbriggs asked, and thankyou gavbriggs for the speedo suggestion earlier, also i think irishrover, bobbler has a job for you by the sound of it? as said earlier i can get the immo cleared from the engine ecu,
hey irishrover, does your test gear have this functionality?? if it will reflash the engine ecu and i dont hook it up to a becm then it should never look for a security code in theory?? or am i on the wrong track??? cheers
The engine ecu is looking for a code trigger from the becm every time it powers up. I have no knowledge of any one disposing of the becm. Bear in mind the becm is the central hub for all the major electrical systems. Personally, for what it's worth, I would avoid the exercise and have the security features on the becm disabled.
hi too late for second thoughts irishrover the project is well under way, ive alredy lost two binbags of stuff i was never gonna use, my wire cutters havnt had so much fun in years!! got tons of stuff to sell to you guys, cheers
hi all , does anybody have info on bosch ecu,s partculary 0281 001 272 dde diesel??
looking to bypass immo on mine, would be nice to remap for better power at the same time if poss, cheers
bosch ecu programming software this search term brought up many results in google, i would look through a few forums for software to download but i would say its gonna be a long journey!!

maybe better re wiring the lot and looking for a way of using a bmw contrller??

also Volkswagen Audi Group software for car diagnostic, VAG software, BMW software, Mercedes software, Êëþ÷àðñêè è àâòîêëþ÷àðñêè óñëóãè, îòâàðÿíå íà âñè÷êè âèäîâå àâòîìîáèëíè ñåêðåòíè è êàñîâè áðàâè, ïðîãðàìèðàíå íà àâòîìîáèëíè êëþ÷îâå ñ ÷èï, ðàçêîäèðàíå might be of help?

also, i search diesel engine management and came up with Specialist Components - Vehicle Electronics not cheap but the one at £250 may help??

Search Results : Allcar Electronics

Dealers — Link Engine Management Systems - plug-in & wire-in aftermarket ECU's try emailing them also with your requirements. you could always ask if they can reprogram your ecu to work like thiers or sort you out with one that does the same!
hi gav thank you for your efforts, i have got somebody who can take the immo of the original ecm and make it work standalone, just didnt want to spend the dosh only maybe to find out later its a 2 wire link jobby to do it.
jobs coming on well, i am literally rewiring it from end to end, but if you dont play you dont learn! and at the end of the day a rangey without a becm will be a hell of a result.

cheers alan..

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