
Active Member
if anyone is thinking of laning mcmillan way(ciren) you will find it blocked 3/4s of the way along by a very big fallen tree its propped up on a small tree so steady if you try to go under
How much clearance is there? Not that I would advocate walking or driving under a big fallen tree. They weigh.....a lot ;) Could write off vehicles and humans if physics and gravity decide to collaborate.. Inform local authorities perhaps?
i would say no clearance but some ones bound to try, and its a bloody big tree would do some major damage to you n your truck, biggest chain saw avalible needed
Few years ago was driving along Birdlip and came across a fallen tree that had partially pulled down a power line and was resting on a powerline pole which was leaning about 30'. I blocked the road and phoned plod who were there in about 5 mins but in that time I had 3 very abusive idiots that drove their cars literally between branches to get through :doh:

Yes someone will try to get through
How much clearance is there? Not that I would advocate walking or driving under a big fallen tree. They weigh.....a lot ;) Could write off vehicles and humans if physics and gravity decide to collaborate.. Inform local authorities perhaps?

16 oz to the pound:rolleyes:

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