
Active Member
Hi im getting my DEF roof painted matt black . Now the chap said when i asked about spraying a clear coat he said he had never clear coated matt .
Now i know you can get 2K clear especially for matt , i even have a 2K rattle can of matt clear .
So is this new to clear coat matt , or is there no need . With it been matt i would feel better knowing it had some full on protection .
Is he right ? . he can obviously spray as ive seen his work , its not his living now but think it was in the past . I dont want to upset him by demanding a clear if there's no need , ie a hardener in the 2K base ??? . im no paint person so not sure whats what .
Just done some googling, because I know sod all about paint systems, and it does seem to be a faq; suggesting there is some confusion.
On balance it appears the matt / matte may be produced by the clear coat in most cases.
I'll ask the BIL to ask his mate, who is an exceptionally talented sprayer, what his opinion is.
It may take a while though.
I have some 2k matt clear which I used to use on the Renaults with the matt plastic inserts on bumpers - the rest of the bumper being gloss so twice the work! (Not from that supplier but from a local motor factor)
Applied after normal water-based base coat (the colour coat) as these were usually metallic/pearlescent so a clearcoat is required. By going this route any colour can be a matt finish as it's the clearcoat that give the matt/semi-gloss/gloss result.

You might be better speaking to these as they advertise a matt that doesn't need clear. I'm sure they would be able to supply in smaller quantities.

Or just let your painter get on with it :)
Just done some googling, because I know sod all about paint systems, and it does seem to be a faq; suggesting there is some confusion.
On balance it appears the matt / matte may be produced by the clear coat in most cases.
I'll ask the BIL to ask his mate, who is an exceptionally talented sprayer, what his opinion is.
It may take a while though.
If you would please , thankyou
I have some 2k matt clear which I used to use on the Renaults with the matt plastic inserts on bumpers - the rest of the bumper being gloss so twice the work! (Not from that supplier but from a local motor factor)
Applied after normal water-based base coat (the colour coat) as these were usually metallic/pearlescent so a clearcoat is required. By going this route any colour can be a matt finish as it's the clearcoat that give the matt/semi-gloss/gloss result.

You might be better speaking to these as they advertise a matt that doesn't need clear. I'm sure they would be able to supply in smaller quantities.

Or just let your painter get on with it :)
I will let him get on with it certainly , He is getting the paint , think he still has contacts . I know his wife and it recently came up that he can spray etc . I just as Batman1 has done , googling and i also found it was a bit confusing , but that matte is not very durable and needed a clear made for matte . It was his mmmm we never used to clear matte as that's to give it a shine , But he would check at the paint shop . So i got a bit concerned , And if it needs it i want it . As its obviously not my game i didn't want to say i want it if it does not need it . OR if like the link says there's a matt that does not need it , hes best getting that .

thanks both for your help . gerry
I think you may find all finishes and systems are mostly sales/ marketing led.
New ‘bestist yet’ products are dreamt up now and then to boost a companies market share and if successful are copied by others. The more experienced painter knows this and tends to stick with the systems he is happy with that have historically given him the best finish and longevity. I’d be more than tempted to take the appliers advice with any system rather than trying to second guess his reasoning.
OK I think I remember what I was told.
Yes you can get matt paint and as long as its not given a hard life it could last a good while.
However, if you want durability then matt clear coat is what they apply.
Its likely to end up with shiney patches if you polish it up a lot but who does that on a defender?
Thinking about it I've used matt black straight from the can on smaller motorbike parts and never clear coated.
Is it going to be really necessary on the roof of a defender? Maybe not!
Also, if its not clear coated you could easily touch it up yourself if it got marked or scratched (using a rattle can).

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