the jester

New Member
hi all

pretty sure the hydraulics on the clutch have gone on our freelander..1.8 petrol w reg

found the bits etc inc bracket just in case on ebay

is there a how to on here to help when i come to change it...searched but cant find one...the only help i could find was a blog that closes straight away :(
Hi Andy, Clutch master and slave really easy to replace. Inside car pop off the ball joint at the pedal, then under the bonnet twist the master cylinder to remove it from the bulkhead, then go to slave cylinder and remove C clip which secures it to the bracket, the last bit is easier if you remove the air filter, then all you have to do then is unthread the pipework, that bit is the hardest part. Replacement is just a reversal, the slave cylinder will have a retainer on it leave that on it will sort itself out when you push the clutch down. Took me less than 30mins

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