Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!

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So who else is insured with this bunch of incompetance.

Seems they do anything in their power not to pay out , even when your in a hospital bed through no fault of your own.

Reviews on the review sites are not terrible ( although not glowing) how ever the owners site forum posts detailing what they do to avoid paying out are mental.

Having been on the recieving end of there uselessness when a car drove into my frontera and forced it into the side of a bus .......= no pay out its my fault apparently - even with video footage showing it not. And again now another family member has been on the recieving end of them.

Id suggest you set your money on fire rather than insure your pride and joy landy with these shower of clowns, you have more chance of winning the lotto than getting a payout or even an answer it seems!

Read your broker quote carefully as many use these clowns.
Thankfully don't know them, but aren't all insurance companies the same with regard to finding the smallest discrepancy to avoid paying? You need to be fastidious in declaring any change to manufacturer's spec. How many landy owners declare different wheel/tyre combinations for example? Or replacing the centre silencer with a straight pipe.
Im aware of the wiggling....and this was a stock year old vehicle as it left factory

This wasnt even on vehicle spec

Cant go into any details as we have a pending court case

Carole nash on the other hand ( who were cheaper) had another rider back within 6 hours , bike assessed and paid out within a week.

There is no excuse for markerstudys incredibly poor service ( ps three weeks after incident they have still done sweet #### all)

Dont know if it has anytin to do wit legislation but they are based out of gibraltar.

Absolute clown shoes. Very glad i told them where to shove it this year.
My van insurance is under written by them I have a claim that's been sorted as we speak my vans been fixed I have a curtesy van, I have had a very smooth easy transaction

Both my van and Landy are with the same broker but diffrent under writers
Im leaving them (through flux) in Sept and going with Heritage. Seen nothing but glowing reviews about them.
Good luck warrior. Wouldnt hold my breath and wouldnt **** on then if they were on fire mind.

Im with heritage on my landy bankz . So far so good. I at least have a person to phone and not a call centre which is a win already. They are a broker also but dont use markerstudy for teir classic 4x4 policies
Good luck warrior. Wouldnt hold my breath and wouldnt **** on then if they were on fire mind.

Im with heritage on my landy bankz . So far so good. I at least have a person to phone and not a call centre which is a win already. They are a broker also but dont use markerstudy for teir classic 4x4 policies

My vans been at ford for 2 day and they have astimeates the work and it has been authorised today and should be ready in 7 days, I will keep you posted
How you get on warrior.

We are now 2 months on.

Had one insulting offer on the bike, refusing to budge.

The hospital is still chasing their money , thye have given up on insuance and moved on to pursuing dad.

Meanwhile dads been back into hospital here in the uk a few times with angina attacks and scans for brain swelling and is now on no fly orders , so just missed another holiday he had booked ! - which the travel insurance are refusing to pay out on as it is the result of an rtc which is a motor insurance uninsured loss against the other driver.

I stand by my first post. Wouldnt **** on em.
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Im with Flux through them. Leaving for Heritage soon as I can, worth paying more for thr peice of mind.
Im with herritage on a offroad speciality policy atm, price was very very close between flux and herritage. Heritage pipped it on reputation and their break down was much much more competitive for classics
Absolutely totally ****ing clownshoes this bunch,

Refusing to pay medical bills that their policy booklet says they are liable for in black and white.

An offering buttons for the vehicle. There are no vehicles for sale inthe uk for he price they want to pay out.

Lucky i am not in their office right now with their barefaced lies.

Be very careful with your land rover if you insure with this bunch.

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