
New Member
Yo dudes, went to start the landy up this morning but there was no response from the starter. Battery is charged and the dash lights were on. Decided to give the starter a tap with me crook lock and it fired up on the button. The terminals are all tight on the back of the starter. What is causing this, only seems to do it when engine is cold.
Dunno why hitting the starter itself did it unless it's a motor brush that had stuck. I would check your starter relay, that is the normal culpret I have found.... An a sharp tap will often free them, so it may have been the door slamming, or the transmitted shock?!?!

Failing that, if it doesn't do it again... My guess would be the carbon brush on the motor contacts had failed to move and the tap just free'd it to make contact again... Anything non-electrical and you would have heard at least a choked whurr, or a clunk... If when it fails you don't hear a click as you try to start, it's probably yer relay! Down by the fuel filter! ;) Walk softly, carry big mallet, tap gently yet firmly... if it fails, pick something else to thump and repeat.



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