
Active Member
Well chaps here is a tale..............................

On Tuesday I was accompanying my mate up to the north of england to deliver a restored 90 to it's new owner on the back of a trailer.

Simple - take his P38, just been serviced, passed its MOT and seemingly in fine fettle.

All is well - we get there - drop off the 90, customer delighted, and having done such a good job he insists we bring his 1992 3.9 Classic back for similar treatment. Nice.

So we load it up onto the trailer - back down the M6, M42,M40 and onto the M25 at 5 pm, past heathrow -round to M3 - put the lights on - OMG - rev counter stops, gearbox stuck in top -oh crap!!!!!!! car just dies in main carriageway - complete shutdown!!!!!!!11

Here we are causing all sorts of mayhem - lorry drivers coming up the inside of us on the hard shoulder so we can't get out - very frightening.

Anyway after a few minutes a fellow RR owner (P38)stops, reverses up to us, grabs a huge towrope out of his boot hitches us up and tows the whole caboose to safety on the hard shoulder.

Cannot thank him enough - what a hero - gave him a tenner for a drink - shook his hand and away he went.

RAC eventually arrived at 8.30 pm - during which time we had swapped batteries with the classic on the trailer etc - all to no avail.

Anyway it turns out the alternator was not charging the battery and it was slowly draining - but absolutely no warning of this - yet the autologic has since told us the alternator was fine- even though it wasn't.

Had a similar thing happen with my L322 TDV8 - no warning - just catastrophic failure. Three times (why I got rid)!

Anyone else had this total failure with no warning?

Bloomin' dangerous if you ask me!
It ought not be possible for the alternator to stop charging without the charge light coming on, but on the P38 it goes via the BECM so who knows. Also, if the alternator electrics completely burnt, it would give no indication but have never seen one do that.
I broke down on the M1 when the alternator expired on a very low tech series 2a, with a Ford V6 fitted. Luckily I had a generator in the back that had 12 volt as well as 240. Simply lobbed it in the passenger footwell, connected to battery under passenger seat, opened all truckcab windows and drove home 60 miles! Not nice on a motorway!!
Griffman...a credit to the P38 guy, respect for doing the decent , responsible thing.

Hadn't I read a few times about up-rating the alternator as a further improvement if its a bit old/dodgy plus extends life of battery and leads to far fewer electrical gremlins

What a hero this guy was - I have been stranded in a live lane of motorway traffic and it is not pleasant - I must put my tow rope in the back of my P38 over the weekend!

Ive got a 12foot chain with a spring closed hook on each end in my spaire wheel well for exectly this reason
ive helped quite a few and I always refuse payment on the agreement they one day help somone else
I think everyone sould do this then next time we brakedown we are already owed a favour
Im sure its better to get a hazzard off the motorway quickly before some plank doing 80+ goes into the back of it.

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