
New Member
Is there any consensus on the best gearbox for towing?

Does the auto box work as effectively as a manual with hi-lo and difflock?

Hoping you can assist

For towing I would prefer a manaul, that little bit more control over whats happening, some one might have a reason to suggest otherwise, but I know when I am towing 5/6 tonnes of trailer about a farm I like the gears that I can control, prepare for whats coming ahead, how does an automatic know whats coming in the next few meters?
you can always use an auto like a manual. And then when you get to town and have all the stop start, it comes into its own. and there is no need for clutch burn out when pulling from rest either. You only lose when desending a hill, with an auto it goes slightly faster, and if you have to bump start I suppose a manual comes into its own. I understand people think a manual means you have more control, but I prefer the less hassle of an auto.
Gday Paul
I have a V8 auto, and it depends on what you are towing and where. On the highway, the auto is brilliant, much smoother, but if its over 35c, autos overheat more often than manuals as you have the auto gearbox dumping its heat into the radiator as well. Around town I might lean towards a manual more with the stop start slippage heating up the box. (somome once said that for every 20 degrees above standard you halve the life of your auto box)

Off road with a trailer is a lot smoother than a manual in normal going, and when low range is selected I can select the manual swith on the console and lock it into a gear and get engine braking too. Hill Descent is a little quick with a trailer on so I would prefer a manual for descending with something behind you pushing you down the hill faster than your would like!
Auto all the way - much nicer to drive,and I get terribly confused with that third pedal on the left - what is it for? Is it the reason I get all those grinding noises when I drive er RR ? And why do I stall it at every junction ?
I have two feet - one for stop,one for go - sorted !;)

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