
Active Member
its time to replace the manifold studs to the down pipe as the threads are showing there age anybody know of the best way to remove them.
If they are really rusted in, even getting the flange red hot won't always budge them, so you may end up having to drill them out and re-tap the holes.

They are steel studs into cast iron, so normally they are not too bad a job to do, but you need the manifolds off the engine and the tools to do the job.

We had all of ours out originally when we did the engine, and fitted another set a week of so back when we had the clutch changed, Use Copaslip on all the threads, new studs and nuts aren't too expensive.

If they are really rusted in, even getting the flange red hot won't always budge them, so you may end up having to drill them out and re-tap the holes.

They are steel studs into cast iron, so normally they are not too bad a job to do, but you need the manifolds off the engine and the tools to do the job.

We had all of ours out originally when we did the engine, and fitted another set a week of so back when we had the clutch changed, Use Copaslip on all the threads, new studs and nuts aren't too expensive.

thanks mate for the info, i,ve got everything tool wise heat, pillar drill, tap & die etc.
thanks mate for the info, i,ve got everything tool wise heat, pillar drill, tap & die etc.

I wish you good luck sir!
IMO most of time I've ended up drilling them out, don't whack the studs to much, I've broken the corner off a manifold before, right pain!
If you have to drill them out, cut them off flush and get them centre punched accurately, then run a 5mm drill down the centre until you break out of the other end.

Once you have a pilot hole, you can run a 6.80mm tapping drill down and then try a taper tap to see if it will take out the thread remnants as you go in with it.

I've been lucky and had all of mine come out with no real thread damage.

If you have the time you could also try a long soak in penetrating oil before trying to undo them.


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