
Active Member
Anyone recommend a decent auto electrician that gets Defenders near Manchester? I'm looking to get a complete rewire as the looks are a nightmare.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Anyone recommend a decent auto electrician that gets Defenders near Manchester? I'm looking to get a complete rewire as the looks are a nightmare.
Thanks for any suggestions.

Have you thought about buying an off the shelf brand new loom from autosparks and replacing yours?

Auto Elec-chickens are expensive things to pay by the hour :oops:

You could always ask for help off the forum and see if a brew an a buttie will entice some help? I think @Bobsticle is in your area, just make sure you keep the tea in an IV and he's golden ;)
What are your problems? Often the problem can be tracked to a certain section of the loom and that part can then be renewed.
I have a brand new bottle of sparks but I’m on the dregs of a tube of smoke. :D

What seems to be the problem with it. When I got my series only one side light and the horn worked. :eek:

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